Update Auth Policies for each table (Supabase)
Differentiate login pages for admin and customer
Fix validations missing from
- Complete login features
- Error handling
- Route protection / Access management
- Forgot password / password reset (make sure page is redirect only accessible)
Design and develop dashboard page with relevant statistics / graphs / tables
Implement user management (for admin only)
- User list page
- List users
- Add pagination and filtering
- Add new user
- Edit user
- View details
- Disable/delete accounts
- User list page
Implement booking management
- List table with filtering and sorting
- Create new booking
- Add validation for dates and times
- Update booking
- Change booking status
- Delete booking (soft delete)
Calendar integration
History page
- Generate reports
- Export to CSV
User profile
- Edit profile
- Change password
- Delete account
- View the audit logs
- View details
Landing page
About Us
Contact Us
Login / Register
- Verify email
- Forgot password
- Social logins
My Bookings
- Create booking
- Make payment
- View bookings
Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
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"$oid": "64a813e0ab507a27b59b94dc"
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"$date": "2023-09-26T21:54:45.391Z"
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"$date": "2023-09-26T21:54:45.391Z"
"__v": 0