Provides the user with a fully equiped package that allows two players to play Mancala, using either Kalah or Ayo rules. This package is complete with a visual user interface for input and output. This project contains all of the generally accepted rules of mancala, including bonus turns and captures for Kalah, and a composite of generally accepted Ayo rules. Additonally, this program can save user profiles, as well as games in-progress, allowing users to seamlessly pick up where they left off!
Pit class:
- Contains the number of stones in the pit
- Method to add a stone to the pit
- Method to get the number of stones in the pit
- Method to remove all stones from the pit
- toString method to print the current state of the pit
Store class:
- Contains the owner of the class
- Contains the number of stones in the class
- Method to set the owner
- Method to get the owner
- Method to add stones to the store
- Method to get the number of stones in the store
- Method to empty the stones from the store
- toString method to print the current state of the store
Player class:
- Contains the name of the player
- Contains the store associated with the player
- Method to set the name of the player
- Method to get the name of the player
- Method to set the store associated to the player
- Method to get the store associated to the player
- Method to get the number of stones in the player's store
- toString method to print the current state of the store
GameRules Abstract Class:
- Contains the data structure for the game
- Contains the current player's number
- Method to get the number of stones in a pit
- Method to get the data structure
- Method to check if a side of the board is empty
- Method to set the current player
- Method to register two players for the game
- Method to reset the board
- Method to check if a move is valid
- Method to get number of stones in a store
- Method to remove all stones from a pit
- Method to add stones to a store
- Method to get a player's number
- Method to get the current pit
- Method to capture stones
- Method to move all stones from pits to stores
- toString method to print current state of the game
KalahRules class:
- Implements the GameRules class
- Contains the state of bonus turn
- Method to move stones
- Method to distribute stones to pits and stores
- Method to capture stones
- Method to check if bonus turn
- Method to set bonus turn
AyoRules class:
- Implements the GameRules class
- Method to move stones
- Method to distribute stones
- Method to capture stones
MancalaDataStructure class:
- Contains all pits and stores
- Method to add stones to a pit
- Method to removes stones from a pit
- Method to add stones to a store
- Method to get the number of stones in a store
- Method to get the number of stones in a pit
- Method to empty stores
- Method to set up the pits
- Method to link a store to the board
- Method to iterate through the board to properly distribute stones
- Method to get the current iterator position
- Method to get the next iterator position
MancalaGame class:
- Contains ArrayList of players
- Contains the current player
- Contains the board
- Method to get the board
- Method to get the current player
- Method to get the number of stones in a pit
- Method to get the Arraylist of players
- Method to get the number of stones in a player's store
- Method to get the winner of the game
- Method to check if the game is over
- Method to make a move
- Method to set the board
- Method to set the current player
- Method to set the ArrayList of players
- Method to start a new game
- toString method to print the current state of the instance
MancalaUI class:
- Provides the user with an easy to use interface
- Performs all input and output for the game
- Interacts with the MancalaGame class to run the game
- Java
- Gradle
- Compile the program using gradle
gradle build
- Run the program from jar using
java -jar build/libs/Mancala.jar
- Follow the instructions on the GUI to play the game
Alternatively download the latest release of the program, and execute mancala.jar.
The project has been fully completed.
Name: Nathan Probert
Student ID: 1236772
- 1.1 (2023-11-19)
- Completed all functionality
- 1.0 (2023-11-15)
- Complete main menu of GUI
- 0.9 (2023-11-14)
- Completed saving functionality
- 0.8 (2023-11-13)
- Completed Kalah game rules
- Completed Ayo game rules
- 0.7 (2023-10-24)
- Completed test cases for Board class
- Completed the README
- 0.4 (2023-10-21)
- Created a revised version of all other classes
- 0.3 (2023-10-20)
- Created a revised Pit class
- 0.2 (2023-10-15)
- Created a working version of the game
- 0.1 (2023-10-13)
- Created file structure
Java documentation
Java Swing documentation
Mancala documentation