This tool is designed to extract meaningful words from a collection of PDF documents. The extracted words are processed and their frequencies are counted. This frequency data can be used for various text analysis and visualization tasks, such as generating word clouds or identifying common themes in the document collection.
The tool leverages the modern text data toolchain in Python:
- pypdf: for reading PDFs.
- ftfy: for text cleaning.
- SpaCy: for natural language processing such as tokenization, lemmatization, and stop-word removal.
The tool also provides customizable features such as the ability to specify words for removal or replacement.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Create a virtual environment inside the cloned repository, activate it, and install the required Python packages into the virtual environment:
cd pdf-word-extraction
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Put the PDF files under pdf/
, run
If you use VS Code, open the project and select the recommended "venv"
Python interpreter. Edit the list of words to remove and replace in
, save the file and run it again in terminal.