Fifteen puzzle is a sliding puzzle having 15 square tiles numbered 1–15 in a frame that is 4 tiles high and 4 tiles wide, leaving one unoccupied tile position. Tiles in the same row or column of the open position can be moved by sliding them horizontally or vertically, respectively. The goal of the puzzle is to place the tiles in numerical order.
- SPACE - start a new game
- ↑↓→← or WASD - move tiles
- SHIFT + ↑↓→← or WASD - move multiple tiles
- 3 - 8 or + or - - change size of the board
- MPS - moves per second
- TIME - solve time in seconds
- MOVES - total number of moves
- Controls, Setting buttons
- changeable size of a board from 3 to 8
- 3 color schemes available: default, monochrome, dark