🚨 This is a personal repo. Not to be confused with the starter repo offered by the AWS Amplify team
This repository provides a quick and easy way to get started with a simple full-stack project powered by NextJS, Tailwind, DaisyUI, and AWS Amplify Gen2. The goal is to serve as a personal starter template for building modern web applications with real-time data capabilities and user authentication.
- Frontend: NextJS application using the new app router, Tailwind CSS, and DaisyUI for styling
- Backend: AWS Amplify Gen2 powered backend with the following resources:
- Data: AWS AppSync (GraphQL API) with real-time websocket subscriptions, backed by DynamoDB
- Auth: Amazon Cognito for user authentication (email sign-in)
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/focusOtter/fullstack-gen2-starter.git
- Install dependencies and start the AWS Amplify sandbox:
npm install && npm run ampx sandbox
- Start the NextJS development server in a separate terminal tab:
npm run dev
The application should now be running locally at http://localhost:3000
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create a new issue or submit a pull request. For major changes, it's recommended to open an issue first to discuss the proposed changes.