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119 lines (103 loc) · 3.58 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (103 loc) · 3.58 KB

Project Title

In order to implement the web application for expense tracking, I am using Django which is a web framework in Python.


  • The setup guide provided in the next section is for Ubuntu 16.10
  • Python 2.7 is used for all purposes


  • Install pip using the command below
sudo apt install python-pip
  • We need virtual environment in order to run Django without any version issues
pip install virtualenv
  • Change to suitable directory where you need to place virtual environment
cd /to/suitable/directory
  • Install virtual environment with name venv
virtualenv venv
  • Change directory to venv
cd venv
  • Activate the virtual environment. This is necessary before starting installation of any softwares.
source bin/activate

Note that you can deactivate the environment using the command

  • Install MySQL server if it is not present already
sudo apt install mysql-server
  • Requirements.txt file contains all relevant software installations for this project. You can install all at once using pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Next step is to create user for our Django database.
mysql -u root -p
  • In MySQL shell, type the following command:
CREATE USER 'dev_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abcd1234';

Note that the password and username used here is the same as in django file and hence any changes to the same will make the software not function as desired.

  • We grant all permissions to this user for creating, updating and deleting the database and records.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'dev_user'@'localhost';
  • Exit from the mysql shell
exit from the mysql shell
  • Login to the created dev_user in mysql
mysql -u dev_user -p
  • Create database for our project.
create database gigster_db;
  • Extract the contents of in the virtual environment directory venv.
  • Change to directory where the contents of the zip file are extracted.
  • Perform initial migrations:
python migrate --fake-initial
  • Any other migrations afterwards will be reflected here.
python makemigrations
  • Finally migrate all the changes.
python migrate
  • Run the django server to start using the web app
python runserver 
  • Open the Firefox Browser and type which is the localhost ip address. Note that I have not tested the UI on Chrome or other browsers.


I was not able to perform any of the integration or unit tests because of lack of time and no prior experience in doing so.

Tasks Completed

  • Login, Register and Logout features are implemented properly.
  • I was able to perform CRUD operations for managing the expenses.

Tasks Incomplete

  • Admin role not implemented
  • Different report generation not implemented.
  • No Integration or Unit testing performed.
  • Interface not tested across web browsers.

Project Folder Structure

  • gigster_core contains all the core files for the project which includes base template
  • account contains all the source code related to user accounts.
  • expenses contains all the source code for performing CRUD operations.
  • gigster is the main project and the above mentioned are the applications under this project.