Utility to monitor SSL renewal dates for UptimeRobot checks
in the var directory, create a new file named uptimeRobot with your API key that looks like:
module.exports = 'uxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
then create a file named slack with your webhook and channel that looks like:
module.exports = {
hook: 'https://hook.slack.com/services/XXXX',
channel: '#ssl (defaults to #general)'
update check every site and update local db with cert expiry
insert get the list of checks from UptimeRobot and insert any missing ones into local db
recheck recheck each expired or expiring cert and notify slack on renewal
notify notify slack channel about any expring or expired certs
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number