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MPI 3.1


The standardization of MPI 3.1 is complete and the new version of the standard is available at MPI Forum Document Page.


Provide small additions to MPI 3.0 and integrate them together with identified errata items into a new version of the MPI standard.


The information below reflects the state of the MPI 3.1 efforts up to the ratification on June 4th 2015. It is no longer maintained, but kept for historical reasons.


As of the December 2014 meeting, we completed all additions to the MPI 3.1 standard and the expectation was that we vote on the standard at the March 2015 meeting. However, due to technical issues found, this was postponed and is now scheduled for the June 2015 meeting. Here is the timeline for this process:

  • Starting Dec. 2014: Start integrating passed tickets into golden copy
    • Has to be done by chapter committee chairs
    • Changes to be reviewed by chapter committees
    • Text edits must follow 2014-12-instructions.pdf
    • The location of the SVN repo listed in the instructions
    • WARNING: start with current version of the golden copy (Fortran changes already in)
  • By February 2nd (4 weeks before MPI Forum)
    • Chapter committee chairs publish draft of each chapter
    • Commit to golden copy for MPI 3.1 in the repo
    • Some kind of diff with old chapter (what ever works for the chapter)
    • To be sent to MPI forum email list
    • Full draft will be on the forum page for review
  • By February 16th (2 weeks before MPI Forum)
    • Chapter committees collect and integrate feedback
    • Chapter committee chairs publish final chapter proposal for MPI 3.1
  • Starting March 2nd (MPI forum meeting in Portland)
    • Reading of all chapters (i.e., going through the diffs)
    • Creation of list of open issues
  • By May 4th (4 weeks before MPI Forum)
    • Chapter committees finish fixing open issues
    • Chapter committee chairs publish final chapter proposal for MPI 3.1
  • By May 11th (3 weeks before MPI Forum)
    • MPI Editor publishes final MPI 3.1 draft
  • Starting June 1st (MPI forum meeting in Chicago)
    • Discussion of fixes to open issues
    • Final vote on document

Document Intergration Process and Chaper Committee Responsibilities

Chapter committees will be responsible for integrating and reviewing all changes into the standard document. For already voted in tickets, errata items, and ticket 0 changes, this process can start immediately, at the latest, though, this work needs to be done between the September and December meetings. For this, one member of each chapter committee (the chair a designee) will have write access to the MPI 3.1 tree.

We decided to no longer use the Latex change macros for adding the new text, since those led to bad document quality (feel free to still use them for working group documents and ticket presentations - I am just talking about the main document). Instead we will rely on "svn diff" for change tracking. To make this work, please don't reflow any text! Also, please make sure you follow the document instructions contained in the MPI document repository (see README) to make sure we get a consistent document.

At the end of the process, every chapter committee chair is expected to provide:

  • A new PDF of the chapter with all changes integrated (clean document, without any change bars)
  • An SVN diff document (informal to help people track things)
  • A side document detailing the changes (tickets, errata item, ticket 0 items beyond typos, e.g., examples)

These documents need to be reviewed by the chapter committee and made available at least two weeks before the forum meeting.

A longer description of these procedures and documentation on how to write/build the MPI document is available here.

Chapter Committees

# Chapter Chair Members
Front Matter Bill Gropp Rolf Rabenseifner, Martin Schulz
1 Introduction Bill Gropp Rolf Rabenseifner, Martin Schulz
2 MPI Terms and Conventions Rolf Rabenseifner Bill Gropp, Martin Schulz, Dan Holmes, Jim Dinan
3 Point to Point Communcation Dan Holmes", "Bill Gropp, Sayantan Sur, Rich Graham, Pavan Balaji
4 Datatypes George Bosilca Jeff Hammond, Rich Graham, David Solt, Bill Gropp, Jim Dinan
5 Collective Communication Torsten Hoefler George Bosilca, Purushotham Bangalore, Jeff Hammond
6 Groups, Contexts, Communicators, Caching Pavan Balaji Bill Gropp, Sayantan Sur, Sreeram Potluri
7 Process Topologies Torsten Hoefler Rolf Rabenseifner, Purushotham Bangalore, Chulho Kim, Pavan Balaji
8 MPI Environmental Management George Bosilca Martin Schulz, Rolf Rabenseifner, Chulho Kim
9 The Info Object Jeff Hammond Torsten Hoefler, David Solt, Pavan Balaji
10 Process Creation and Mangement David Solt Jeff Hammond, Wesley Bland, Howard Pritchard
11 One-Sided Communication Bill Gropp Pavan Balaji, Torsten Hoefler, Rajeev Thakur, Sayantan Sur
12 External Interfaces Pavan Balaji Dries Kimpe, Jeff Hammond, Jim Dinan, Aurélien Bouteiller
13 I/O Quincey Koziol Mohamad Chaarawi, Rajeev Thakur, Dries Kimpe
14 Tool Support Kathryn Mohror Martin Schulz, Marc-Andre Hermanns, Adam Moody
15 Deprecated Functions Rolf Rabenseifner
16 Removed Interfaces Rolf Rabenseifner
17 Language Bindings Jeff Squyres Jeff Hammond, Rolf Rabenseifner, Craig Rasmussen
A Language Bindings Summary Rolf Rabenseifner Jeff Hammond, Craig Rasmussen
B Change-Log Rolf Rabenseifner

Draft Chapters for MPI 3.1 (as of the March 2015 Meeting)

Note, sections marked with "rev" are revised versions of the chapters submitted after the two week mark. We will discuss the implications of these chapters at the meeting.

# Chapter Contact Draft Text Diff Text Tickets
0 Front Matter Bill Gropp Version number changed. Credits need to be updated.
0rev Front Matter Bill Gropp Version, Difference to 3.0 and credits added.
1 Introduction Bill Gropp no tickets / no diff since r1750
1rev Introduction Bill Gropp Added background
2 MPI Terms and Conventions Rolf Rabenseifner Gist 421, 431, 447, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 455, 349, 404 Not affected by #388 / BIND(C) errata
3 Point to Point Communcation Dan Holmes 446, 388, 415, 424, 388
4 Datatypes George Bosilca Gist 102, 349, 404, 421, 431, 443, 388
5 Collective Communication Torsten Hoefler 388
6 Groups, Contexts, Communicators, Caching Pavan Balaji 388, 345
7 Process Topologies Torsten Hoefler Gist 388, 419, 420
7rev Process Topologies Torsten Hoefler Gist removed the 20-year old outdated reference to EXPRESS; slight wording change in advice to users on MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY; slight wording change in example of graph_neighbors; slight wording change in first sentence of 7.5.6. Diff for only whitespace changes
8 MPI Environmental Management George Bosilca 388, 357, 390
8rev MPI Environmental Management George Bosilca Gist Switched to subversion 3.1 (svn r2013)
9 The Info Object Jeff Hammond 388
10 Process Creation and Mangement David Solt 388
11 One-Sided Communication Bill Gropp 348, 350, 355, 359, 362, 367, 369, 349, 402, 433, 458, 413, 388, 390 SVN Revisions: 348, 350, 355, 359, 362, 367 - r 1767; 369 - r 1962; 349/402 - r 1963; 433 - r 1964; 458 - r 1955; 413 - r 1965 Additional Changes Diff for additional changes #388 implemented in r1835 and r1933
12 External Interfaces Pavan Balaji 388, 357
13 I/O Quincey Koziol Diff 273, 388, 440 Note 440 is still missing in the chapter draft
14 Tool Support Kathryn Mohror Gist 354, 377, 378, 383, 385, 386, 387, 391, 394, 400, 405, 406, 388
15 Deprecated Functions Rolf Rabenseifner no tickets / no diff since r1750
16 Removed Interfaces Rolf Rabenseifner no tickets / no diff since r1750
17 Language Bindings Jeff Squyres Gist 444, 441, 393, 445, 388, 345, 403
A Language Bindings Summary Rolf Rabenseifner Gist 345, 347, 354, 369, 377, 388, 389, 400 Missing #390, see revisions appA3-all-mpif08-routines appA234_MPI_CONVERSION_FN_NULL-annotated appA.3.4-f08-annotated appLang-Const-annotated
Arev Language Bindings Summary Rolf Rabenseifner 390 #390 added as of r2009
B Change-Log Rolf Rabenseifner Gist 345, 349, 402, 404, 421, 350, 355, 362, 369, 377, 378, 383, 386, 388, 389, 391, 400, 424, 273, 357, 415, 419
Brev Change-Log Rolf Rabenseifner Fixed page numbers in chancge log

Potential issues/changes to completed tickets - to be discussed

Ticket Chapter Issue
0 Changes to frontmatter/credits
1 Changes to chapter 1
453 2 TBD - Proper distinction between declared vs. defined functions for the use of PMPI - discussion to back out #453
2 READ - Added Bind-C back into text, which is removed incorrectly - r2008 - error was in implementing the ticket
4 READ - restoring BIND(C) back to MPI-3.0 page 106 lines 14 and 24 - error was in implementing the ticket
7 READ - Changes to chapter 7, discussed an approved as chapter committee changes
8 READ - Changes to chapter 8
390 8 READ - Updates for Annex A4.6 and A4.9
357 8 READ - MPI_Get_version and MPI_Get_library_version were done only partially.
8 READ - New subversion 3.1 in (2x) MPI_SUBVERSION and MPI_GET_VERSION
8 TBD - Sentence on thread safety - three times in the text - should change from from threads to from multiple thread - requires change in 12.4 as well
11 Open issues in RMA - Bill will discuss the details
390 11 Updates for Annex A4.6 and A4.9
357 11 MPI_Get_version and MPI_Get_library_version were done only partially.
357 12 TBD - added line in the CC, which causes discussion
440 13 READ - Preferred way to cross reference - ticket 0, but unclear which option was intended - discussion on how to implement ticket
377 14 READ/TBD - Missing statement that an error happens if no variable >>>in that class<<< is found - needs to be fixed
17 READ - restoring BIND(C) back to MPI-3.0 - error was in implementing the ticket
A READ - Changes to annex A, only #390, just simple bug fix
B READ - Changes to annex B - decided on keeping the full log
B READ - font fix
B TBD - B 2.1, bullet 5, add editorial note that we have now 13.5.3 instead of 13.5.2
B TBD - two RMA tickets missing in change log
TBD - White space control for all chapters (r1673 and later)
White space control for all chapters (r1673 and later)

Draft Chapters for MPI 3.1 (as of the June 2015 Meeting)

Updates to the MPI standard, following the list of open issues, are published as part of the agenda for the June 2015 meeting.