Complete shopping website using Java, Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, jQuery and MySQL database.
- Code the Admin application for managing users, categories, brands, products, customers, orders, sales report, settings ...etc.
- Code the Shopping application allowing customers to browse products and place orders.
- Code shopping cart features and payment via PayPal and credit cards
- Spring Security for authentication and role-based authorization
- Spring Data JPA with Hibernate for the data access layer
- Thymeleaf template engine for creating dynamic view pages
- Bootstrap and jQuery for creating responsive, mobile-friendly web pages
- Spring RESTful Webservices in conjunction with jQuery on the client side
- PayPal Checkout API for payment integration
- JUnit, Spring Test, AssertJ and Mockito for unit tests and integration tests
- Application deployed on Heroku cloud platform with file upload on Amazon S3
- Google Chart for drawing charts in sales report
- Spring OAuth for single sign on with Facebook and Google
- Spring Mail for sending emails for customer registration and place order confirmation
Insert gif or link to demo
Molla is a Spring Boot application built using Maven. You can build a jar file and run it from the command line (it should work just as well with Java 11 or newer):
git clone
cd MollaECommerceProject-SpringBootMultiModule
./mvnw package
java -jar target/*.jar
You can then access Molla admin control here: http://localhost:8080/MollaAdmin and Molla shipping here: http://localhost/Molla