These instructions enable the persistent installation of the HSM PKI plugin. The README contains instructions only for running in memory with a development instance of Vault.
- Create the directory where Vault will look for plugins:
- Locate the Vault server configuration file:
vi /etc/vault/config.json
- Specify the plugin directory in the Vault server configuration file:
plugin_directory = "/etc/vault/vault_plugins"
- Deploy the latest HSM PKI release:
bunzip2 vaultplugin-hsmpki-v0_3_4.bz2
sudo mv vaultplugin-hsmpki-v0_3_4 /etc/vault/vault_plugins/vaultplugin-hsmpki
chmod 755 /etc/vault/vault_plugins/vaultplugin-hsmpki
- For SafeNet DPoD first run setenv:
cd /opt/safenet/dpod/current
. ./setenv
cd <this git repo download directory>
- Start Vault using the server command and unseal it:
vault server -config /etc/vault/config.json
export VAULT_ADDR=''
vault operator unseal
- Login using the root token:
vault login
- Get the SHA-256 checksum of the vaultplugin-hsmpki plugin binary:
SHA256=$(sha256sum /etc/vault/vault_plugins/vaultplugin-hsmpki-v0_3_4| cut -d' ' -f1)
- Register the vaultplugin-hsmpki plugin in the Vault system catalog:
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/secret/vaultplugin-hsmpki sha_256="${SHA256}" command="vaultplugin-hsmpki"
Success! Data written to: sys/plugins/catalog/secret/vaultplugin-hsmpki
- Enable the HSM PKI secrets engine paths.
Note that the HSM config file needs to be relative to the calling path:
vault secrets enable -path=hsmpki_root -options="config=conf/config-safenet.hcl" vaultplugin-hsmpki
Success! Enabled the vaultplugin-hsmpki secrets engine at: hsmpki_root/
vault secrets enable -path=hsmpki_inter -options="config=conf/config-safenet.hcl" vaultplugin-hsmpki
Success! Enabled the vaultplugin-hsmpki secrets engine at: hsmpki_inter/
Now refer to the and create certificates.
The setenv script sets the following environment var. Please use the path to the root of your SafeNet DPoD files:
declare -x ChrystokiConfigurationPath="/opt/safenet/dpod/current"
This can also be set in the service section of the systemd configuration file: