Below are the instructions to configure headless Raspberry Pi setup with Wi-Fi. Current setup has been tested on this Raspbian Jessie image. Detailed information on headless Raspberry Pi setup can be found here.
Download zipped disk image.
Unzip the disk image.
Plug your SD card into your computer.
Open the Etcher application.
Select your source disk image as the one you unzipped earlier.
Select your SD card as the disk to use. Click "Flash".
Add an empty file with name
Add another file with name
with your Wi-Fi{ ssid="YOUR_SSID" psk="YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD" }
Disconnect the SD card from your computer and put it in the Pi. Connect the power source to the Pi.
Default hostname of the Raspbian is raspberrypi. SSH into the Pi using the following command.
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
The default password for the pi
user on a clean Raspbian install is raspberry
Enable camera and I2C using raspi-config tool. Follow these instructions
sudo raspi-config
This command should pull up the following UI. Select 5. Interfacing Options
and press enter.
Select P1 Camera
and enable it. More detailed information here.
Select P5 I2C
and enable it. More detailed information here.
Install the following packages. PuppetBot uses sox to record audio and mpg321 to play audio.
sudo apt-get install sox mpg321 git python-pip build-essential python-dev
Clone the PuppetBot repository
git clone
Install necessary pip packages
cd PuppetBot
sudo pip install requirements.txt