Simple chat application using firebase
You need the following tools to be already installed.
- flutter
- node
- firebase-tools
- flutterfire_cli
- derry - Optional
Firebase configuration
Go to Firebase console, create a project.
Enable authentication method (Email/Password sign in)
Go to firestore database and replace the following rules with old ones and published it.
rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { // Function available for all collections // Checks that request is coming from an authenticated user function isSignedIn() { return request.auth != null; } // Rules for the users collection match /users/{userId} { // Validates user's object format // Remove this if you don't plan to provide first or last names function isUserCorrect() { return isSignedIn() && is string && is string; } // Checks that the document was created by currently logged in user function isSelf() { return request.auth.uid == userId; } // Rules set for the users collection allow create: if isUserCorrect(); allow delete: if isSelf(); allow read: if isSignedIn(); allow update: if isUserCorrect() && isSelf(); } // Rules for the rooms collection match /rooms/{roomId} { // Checks that currently logged in user exists in users collection function userExists() { return isSignedIn() && exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)); } // Checks that currently logged in user is in the room function isUserInRoom() { return isSignedIn() && request.auth.uid in; } // Validates room's object format function isRoomCorrect() { return is string && is list; } // Rules set for the rooms collection allow create: if userExists() && isRoomCorrect(); allow delete, read, update: if isUserInRoom(); // Rules for the messages collection match /messages/{messageId} { // Checks that currently logged in user is in the room function isUserInRoomUsingGet() { return isSignedIn() && request.auth.uid in get(/databases/$(database)/documents/rooms/$(roomId)).data.userIds; } // Validates message's object format function isMessageCorrect() { return is string && is timestamp; } // Checks that message's author is currently logged in user function isMyMessage() { return request.auth.uid ==; } // Rules set for the messages collection allow create: if isSignedIn() && isMessageCorrect(); allow delete, read: if isUserInRoomUsingGet(); allow update: if isUserInRoomUsingGet() && isMyMessage(); } } } }
Go to Storage, enable and add the following rules.
rules_version = '2'; service { match /b/{bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow read, write: if request.auth != null; } } }
Clone repository and change directory.
git clone cd yoyo_chatt/
flutter pub get
flutter pub get
Login your firebase account that have a project you created before.
firebase login
Configure firebase project within your project.
flutterfire configure
Select a project you created before and choose platform you like: android, ios, etc.
to generate necessary files.dart run build_runner build -d
Install npm packages - Optional
npm i
, rename to.env
and fill your secrets -
Run your app.
- Register (Email/Password)
- Direct Chat
- Group Chat
- Text, Image and File message
- Link preview fetching
- Account deletion request and change password
- Social Login
- Delete single message
- Reply message
- Pin message
- Channel
- Message deliver status
- Message notifications