Releases: minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-app-android
Releases · minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-app-android
CoronaCheck 4.6
- Users now get improved feedback as to why they did or did not obtain certain certificates
- Copy: updated the ‘wegwijzer’ instructions for a positive test before the 1st vaccination
- The countdown for the validity of certificates is now real-time
- Integrated the Spotless addon in Android for automatic code formatting and lint checks
- Fixed the dividers in YourEventsFragment
CoronaCheck 4.5
- Added a feature flag which allows users who don’t have a BSN to retrieve their information via the app. The flow is as follows:
- Users without DigiD can contact the helpdesk if they have a BSN and postcode.
- Users without a BSN can contact their vaccination location, which can be a healthcare provider or GGD. For GGD the user will be redirected to the GGD portal.
- Updated the copy for the checkmark ‘Retrieve my positive test result too’ on the ‘Retrieve vaccinations’ screen
- The QR details now show the local time and timezone so users can check the validity abroad
- When fetching a vaccination, the fetched data screen now shows the full vaccination date instead of just the month
- For certificates with a different international vs national validity, the ‘Read more’ button now opens a bottom drawer instead of a new page
- Accessibility fixes:
- The text 'Opgehaald bij MINVWS-TEST' was not marked as a heading
- The text input field for the ZZZ code had no button to delete input
- The animation below the QR-code is an interactive element but could not be reached/activated using assistive technologies
- Bug fixes:
- Name and event date were switched on the event retrieval overview screen, only for vaccinations
- Phone numbers were not clickable
- Wrong key implemented for ‘No BSN’ subtext
- Error dialog was not displayed after tapping on ‘cancel’ in the GGD/PAP flow
CoronaCheck 4.4
- Older, (unused) recovery/positive test events are now removed earlier
- For users with multiple negative tests, each test is now shown as a separate DCC
- For hidden QR codes, it is now easier to see if the code is invalid
- The remaining validity of recovery certificates will be shown from 21 days before expiry
- Added a CTA to “New in the app” when there is only one modal
- Moved the error message “Maak verbinding met het internet om je QR-code weer te gebruiken” from the bottom of the page to inside the card
- Added “Days since vaccination” to the details screen for vaccinations
- The design was updated so the app is more suited for use on a tablet
- Changed the handling of secret keys for domestic CTBs
- Copy: test result is now shown in Dutch and English in QR details
- Bug fix:
- In the stored data under ‘Over deze app’, the item ‘Opgehaald bij’ showed a code instead of the name of the source
- For negative and positive tests, the animation below the QR was not or partially displayed
CoronaCheck 4.3
- Strippen are now also renewed when the app is in the background
- Added the year to the date info in the details screen for negative tests
- Removed obsolete code referring to the v2 events
- Refactored RemoteProtocol3
- Copy:
- Bug: Changed the copy for the DCC details screen
- Added an explanation about removing data to the ‘My saved data’ tab
- Bug fix: Implemented a different key in the details overview and removed the title
CoronaCheck 4.2
- A DCC from another country can now be scanned and added to the app (US
- Implemented a feature flag for the CoronaMelder recommendation, the default setting is ‘off’
- Changed the logo of the splash screen after crashes on Android 6
- Updated the DigiD urls
- Accessibility improvements
- 'QR code hidden' text was presented in the wrong order
- Heading text 'Vaccinatiebewijs en herstelbewijs gemaakt' was not marked as heading
- Page control element (dots) was presented without a label
- Texts in app were incorrectly marked as interactive, which lead to incorrect Talkback instruction
- Screen indicator in onboarding was not presented to users who are blind
- New notification on dashboard (e.g. ‘Maak binnenkort verbinding met internet’) was not announced to Talkback users
- Removed ‘heading’ roles from titles in top navigation bar
- The 'Rijksoverheid logo' was set as decorative after first screen of onboarding
- 'Nieuw in de app' text was positioned above the heading, which could have been missed by people who are blind
- QR code received physical keyboard focus 5 times in a row, this was changed to 1
- Menu button is now presented as 'MENU, Button' instead of 'Button, MENU'
- Removed 'Hier wordt een afbeelding getoond van' from the content description of the QR code
- Added headings to the ‘Details’ button in ‘Add vaccination’ flow and on screen ‘Opgehaalde vaccinaties’
- Active tab bar announcement is no longer presented when backend refreshes
- Bug fixes:
- Display of event type in wallet details was improved
- Incorrect endstate when adding a vaccination first and a positive test after, no endstate expected
CoronaCheck 4.1
- On the ‘About the app’ page the button ‘My saved data’ opens a page with all single events, which can be individually managed and erased
- The ‘Details’ page for 2/1, 3/1, 4/1 or higher vaccination doses now contains a link to the FAQ item explaining dose notation
- The animation below the QR code now changes automatically
- Updated the splash screen and loading screen
- If the policy switches from 0G to 3G, the app will show a ‘New in the app’ screen explaining the CTB and DCC
- The FeatureFlagUsecase is now used for all feature flag cases- Bug fixes:
- Config value for ‘Almost out of date’ banner was wrong
- Fixed a problem where the app went to the onboarding screen when rotating the device while adding a certificate
- At DigiD login, the ‘no connection’ dialog will now be shown again if there is still no connection after trying again
CoronaCheck 4.0
- Implemented new functionality for the 0G scenario, in which the Dutch corona certificate will not be used anymore
- Checked the deeplink
- Updated the feature flag
- Domestic tab is hidden
- 'You have no ???? certificate' banners are hidden
- 'No CTB' banner is shown on the international tab
- Changed the end states
- Added a ‘New in this app’ screen
- Updated the onboarding steps
- Updated the config
- Implemented various copy changes
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a problem where in some cases the policy indicator was incorrect for tests
- Fixed a crash when adding a negative test from HKVI and a regular test via bsn
Verifier 3.0.1
Merge pull request #1125 from minvws/clockdeviation-view-issue show clock deviation properly when scanner is locked
Verifier 3.0
verifier-3.0 Verifier 3.0
Holder 3.0
holder-3.0 Holder 3.0