diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 288c015..a9e0ae8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,199 +18,199 @@ This repository currently manages the following domains:
:white_check_mark: |
- digital.justice.gov.uk |
+ cjsm.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- immigrationservicestribunal.gov.uk |
+ checklegalaid.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- moneyclaim.gov.uk |
+ ima-citizensrights.org.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- osscsc.gov.uk |
+ admin.courttribunalformfinder.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- employmentappeals.gov.uk |
+ sentencingcouncil.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- prisonvisits.service.gov.uk |
+ rpts.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- service.justice.gov.uk |
+ hmiprobation.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- obr.co.uk |
+ hmprisonservice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- icrir.independent-inquiry.uk |
+ judicialombudsman.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- judicialappointments.gov.uk |
+ tribunals.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- video.service.justice.gov.uk |
+ dca.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- landstribunal.gov.uk |
+ certificatedbailiffs.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- et.dsd.io |
+ appeal-tax-tribunal.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- familyjusticecouncil.org.uk |
+ dsd.io |
:white_check_mark: |
- imb.org.uk |
+ casetracker.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- cjsdigital.org |
+ webchat.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- criminal-justice-system.gov.uk |
+ ubi.courtfunds.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- carestandardstribunal.gov.uk |
+ informationtribunal.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- civilappeals.gov.uk |
+ familyjusticecouncil.org.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- victiminformationservice.org.uk |
+ in-addr.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- xhibit.justice.gov.uk |
+ cjs.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- certificatedbailiffs.justice.gov.uk |
+ possessionclaim.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- tribunals.gov.uk |
+ moneyclaim.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- prisonandprobationjobs.gov.uk |
+ pensionsappealtribunals.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- casetracker.justice.gov.uk |
+ ybtj.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- admin.tribunalsdecisions.service.gov.uk |
+ xhibit.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- legal-aid-checker.justice.gov.uk |
+ ccrc.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- judiciary.gov.uk |
+ hmiprisons.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ima-citizensrights.org.uk |
+ appeals-service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- dca.gov.uk |
+ webapps.judiciary.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- cjit.gov.uk |
+ yjbpublications.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- devl.justice.gov.uk |
+ criminal-justice-system.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- sentencingcouncil.gov.uk |
+ courts.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- test.justice.gov.uk |
+ digital.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- publicguardian.gov.uk |
+ carestandardstribunal.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- xhibit.gov.uk |
+ civilclaims.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- immigrationappealsonline.justice.gov.uk |
+ et.dsd.io |
:white_check_mark: |
- cjs.gov.uk |
+ hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- exchange.gov.uk |
+ publicguardian.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- producttracker.justice.gov.uk |
+ courtfunds.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ukgovwales.gov.uk |
+ miscarriage-justice-compensation.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- yjb.gov.uk |
+ criminal-justice.royal-commission.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- cicap.gov.uk |
+ ahmlr.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- webapps.judiciary.gov.uk |
+ judicialconduct.judiciary.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- yjbpublications.justice.gov.uk |
+ justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- judicialombudsman.gov.uk |
+ victiminformationservice.org.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- judicialconduct.gov.uk |
+ icrir.independent-inquiry.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- sts.test.justice.gov.uk |
+ cjsonline.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- justice.gov.uk |
+ blogs.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
@@ -218,39 +218,35 @@ This repository currently manages the following domains:
:white_check_mark: |
- courts.gov.uk |
- :white_check_mark: |
- possessionclaim.gov.uk |
+ paroleboard.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- webchat.justice.gov.uk |
+ financeandtaxtribunals.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- courtfunds.gov.uk |
+ cjit.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- criminal-justice.royal-commission.uk |
+ civilappeals.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ubi.courtfunds.gov.uk |
+ osscsc.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- transporttribunal.gov.uk |
+ ospt.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- g.justice.gov.uk |
+ dugganinquest.independent.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- dsd.io |
+ obr.co.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
@@ -258,267 +254,267 @@ This repository currently manages the following domains:
:white_check_mark: |
- hillsboroughinquests.independent.gov.uk |
+ judicialappointments.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- asylum-support-tribunal.gov.uk |
+ landstribunal.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- appeals-service.gov.uk |
+ producttracker.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- civilclaims.service.gov.uk |
+ employmentappeals.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- hmiprisons.gov.uk |
+ hillsboroughinquests.independent.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- courttribunalformfinder.service.gov.uk |
+ judiciary.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ccrc.gov.uk |
+ service.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ospt.gov.uk |
+ courttribunalformfinder.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- admin.courttribunalformfinder.service.gov.uk |
+ transporttribunal.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- obr.uk |
+ prisonandprobationjobs.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- financeandtaxtribunals.gov.uk |
+ yjils.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- hmprisonservice.gov.uk |
+ g.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- checklegalaid.service.gov.uk |
+ judicialconduct.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- rpts.gov.uk |
+ brookhouseinvestigation.independent.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- lawcom.gov.uk |
+ admin.tribunalsdecisions.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- informationtribunal.gov.uk |
+ tribunalsdecisions.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- pensionsappealtribunals.gov.uk |
+ employmenttribunals.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk |
+ immigrationservicestribunal.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- paroleboard.gov.uk |
+ prisonvisits.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- judicialconduct.judiciary.gov.uk |
+ civillegaladvice.service.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- brookhouseinvestigation.independent.gov.uk |
+ obr.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- appeal-tax-tribunal.service.gov.uk |
+ trackmycrime.net |
:white_check_mark: |
- yjils.justice.gov.uk |
+ lawcom.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- cjsonline.gov.uk |
+ video.service.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ahmlr.gov.uk |
+ asylum-support-tribunal.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ppo.gov.uk |
+ devl.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- magistrates.org.uk |
+ ukgovwales.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- cjsm.justice.gov.uk |
+ ppo.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- ybtj.justice.gov.uk |
+ exchange.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- civillegaladvice.service.gov.uk |
+ sts.test.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- miscarriage-justice-compensation.service.gov.uk |
+ cicap.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- hmiprobation.gov.uk |
+ xhibit.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- dugganinquest.independent.gov.uk |
+ immigrationappealsonline.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- trackmycrime.net |
+ legal-aid-checker.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- blogs.justice.gov.uk |
+ test.justice.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- tribunalsdecisions.service.gov.uk |
+ cjsdigital.org |
:white_check_mark: |
- employmenttribunals.service.gov.uk |
+ yjb.gov.uk |
:white_check_mark: |
- in-addr.justice.gov.uk |
+ magistrates.org.uk |
:x: |
- youth-justice-board.com |
+ nationaloffendersmanagementservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- is-prod.dsd.io |
+ mojfax.com |
:x: |
- officeofthepublicguardian.org.uk |
+ civil-casetracker.justice.gov.uk |
:x: |
- probation-service.net |
+ courtsandtribunals.org.uk |
:x: |
- dom1fax.co.uk |
+ nationaloffendermanagementservice.net |
:x: |
- youth-justice-board.org.uk |
+ trackmycrime.co.uk |
:x: |
- hmpps.org |
+ probation-service.net |
:x: |
- youthjusticeboard.net |
+ mojfax.co.uk |
:x: |
- sentencingcouncil.org.uk |
+ tribunals-service.net |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.com |
+ imacitizensrights.org |
:x: |
- ima-citizensrights.uk |
+ youth-justice.uk |
:x: |
- justice-ministry.net |
+ legal-aid-agency.uk |
:x: |
- preprod-ho-nfd.co.uk |
+ youth-justice-board.uk |
:x: |
- ima-citizensrights.net |
+ tribunals-service.org |
:x: |
- legalaidagency.uk |
+ hermajestyscourtservice.net |
:x: |
- probation-service.com |
+ prisons-service.com |
:x: |
- siffoc.org |
+ ima-citizensright.org |
:x: |
- sentencing-council.uk |
+ sirius-opg.co.uk |
:x: |
- publicguardian.org.uk |
+ office-of-the-public-guardian.co.uk |
:x: |
- newfuturesnetwork.gov.uk |
+ prisons-service.net |
:x: |
- ministryjustice.uk |
+ justiceministry.org.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.net |
+ hermajestyscourtsservice.com |
:x: |
- youthjusticeboard.com |
+ probationservice.uk |
:x: |
- tribunal-service.org |
+ probationservice.org |
:x: |
- youth-justice-board.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.net |
:x: |
- justice-ministry.com |
+ youthjusticeboard.com |
:x: |
- ministryjustice.co.uk |
+ national-offenders-management-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- courts-service.co.uk |
+ 253.33.194.in-addr.arpa |
:x: |
@@ -526,755 +522,755 @@ This repository currently manages the following domains:
:x: |
- 253.33.194.in-addr.arpa |
+ imacitizensrights.net |
:x: |
- public-guardian.uk |
+ layobservers.org |
:x: |
- mojfax.net |
+ sifocc.org.uk |
:x: |
- hmpps.org.uk |
+ youthjusticeboard.co.uk |
:x: |
- youthjusticeboard.co.uk |
+ sentencingcouncil.org.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtservice.org.uk |
+ hermajestyscourtservice.org |
:x: |
- her-majestys-court-service.org |
+ hermajestyscourtsservice.uk |
:x: |
- tribunals-service.co.uk |
+ youthjustice.net |
:x: |
- tribunal-service.uk |
+ tribunalservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- prisonservice.org |
+ siffoc.org |
:x: |
- sentencingcouncil.co.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.uk |
:x: |
- 2.149.51.in-addr.arpa |
+ hermajestyscourtsservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- ministry-justice.net |
+ tribunals-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- officeofthepublicguardian.com |
+ legal-aid-agency.org |
:x: |
- uknpm.org |
+ prison-service.uk |
:x: |
- justiceministry.net |
+ trackmycrime.org.uk |
:x: |
- dom1print.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonsservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-courts-service.org |
+ govfsl.com |
:x: |
- court-service.org |
+ uknpm.org |
:x: |
- imacitizensrights.co.uk |
+ hermajestyscourtsservice.org |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.co.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.com |
:x: |
- youthjusticeboard.uk |
+ mojprint.co.uk |
:x: |
- laadev.co.uk |
+ justicegov.uk |
:x: |
- ministry-of-justice.net |
+ hermajestyscourtservice.com |
:x: |
- sentencing-council.org |
+ hermajestysprisonservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- ima-citizensrights.co.uk |
+ hermajestyscourtsservice.net |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.com |
+ public-guardian.org |
:x: |
- youth-justice-board.net |
+ victimscommissioner.org.uk |
:x: |
- dom1print.com |
+ youth-justice-board.com |
:x: |
- tribunals-service.uk |
+ nationaloffendermanagementservice.org |
:x: |
- 247sexualabusesupport.org.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonservice.net |
:x: |
- legal-aid-agency.net |
+ sentencingcouncil.co.uk |
:x: |
- sentencing-council.net |
+ legal-aid-agency.org.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtsservice.org.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonservice.org |
:x: |
- probation-service.org |
+ nationaloffendermanagementservice.uk |
:x: |
- tribunals-review.org.uk |
+ courts.org.uk |
:x: |
- probation-service.co.uk |
+ hmppsinsights.co.uk |
:x: |
- public-guardian.org.uk |
+ courtsservice.uk |
:x: |
- officeofthepublicguardian.org |
+ prisonservice.uk |
:x: |
- public-guardian.co.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonservice.uk |
+ victimsinformationservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- hmcs.uk |
+ probation-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- govfsl.com |
+ her-majestys-court-service.uk |
:x: |
- courtsandtribunals.co.uk |
+ judiciary.uk |
:x: |
- hmcts.uk |
+ hermajestyscourtservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-courts-service.org.uk |
+ probation-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-service.uk |
+ legal-aid.org.uk |
:x: |
- sirius-opg.co.uk |
+ mhrt.org.uk |
:x: |
- petp.co.uk |
+ tribunalservice.org |
:x: |
- prisons-service.uk |
+ dom1print.uk |
:x: |
- tribunals-service.org.uk |
+ publicguardian.org.uk |
:x: |
- certificates.justice.gov.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonsservice.com |
:x: |
- prisonsservice.org.uk |
+ justice-ministry.com |
:x: |
- tribunals-service.com |
+ prisonservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prisons-service.org.uk |
+ youth-justice-board.net |
:x: |
- nationaloffendermanagementservice.com |
+ hmcts.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prisons-service.co.uk |
+ sentencing-council.co.uk |
:x: |
- justice-ministry.org.uk |
+ tribunalsservice.com |
:x: |
- youth-justice-board.co.uk |
+ ministry-justice.uk |
:x: |
- moj.org.uk |
+ dom1print.com |
:x: |
- probationservice.org.uk |
+ courts-service.org |
:x: |
- ministry-of-justice.com |
+ nationaloffendersmanagementservice.org |
:x: |
- youth-justice.uk |
+ prisonsservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- prisonservice.uk |
+ ima-citizensrights.net |
:x: |
- ministry-justice.org.uk |
+ cica.gov.uk |
:x: |
- prisonsservice.com |
+ officeofthepublicguardian.org.uk |
:x: |
- judiciary.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.com |
:x: |
- youthjusticeboard.org.uk |
+ prisons-service.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prisons-service.com |
+ national-offenders-management-service.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtservice.uk |
+ tribunalsservice.org |
:x: |
- ministry-justice.com |
+ dom1print.org |
:x: |
- imacitizensrights.org.uk |
+ tribunals-service.com |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonservice.org.uk |
+ national-offenders-management-service.org |
:x: |
- tribunalservice.uk |
+ sentencing-council.uk |
:x: |
- imacitizensrights.net |
+ mojprint.uk |
:x: |
- mojfax.uk |
+ justice-ministry.co.uk |
:x: |
- national-offenders-management-service.org.uk |
+ hmcs.uk |
:x: |
- imacitizensrights.com |
+ tribunals-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendersmanagementservice.net |
+ her-majestys-court-service.com |
:x: |
- nationaloffendersmanagementservice.uk |
+ courts-service.uk |
:x: |
- ministry-of-justice.uk |
+ 159.9.3.in-addr.arpa |
:x: |
- justice-ministry.org |
+ office-of-the-public-guardian.org |
:x: |
- youth-justice-board.org |
+ tribunal-service.org |
:x: |
- 73.135.18.in-addr.arpa |
+ hmpps.org.uk |
:x: |
- dom1print.co.uk |
+ mojfax.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendermanagementservice.org.uk |
+ tribunalservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtservice.co.uk |
+ office-of-the-public-guardian.org.uk |
:x: |
- prisons-service.com |
+ hermajestysprisonsservice.uk |
:x: |
- ima-citizenrights.org |
+ tribunal-service.uk |
:x: |
- civil-casetracker.justice.gov.uk |
+ dom1fax.org |
:x: |
- helpwithcourtfees.dsd.io |
+ court-service.net |
:x: |
- legal-aid-agency.org.uk |
+ prisonsservice.net |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtservice.net |
+ ima-citizensright.co.uk |
:x: |
- sifocc.org |
+ mojprint.net |
:x: |
- courts-service.com |
+ ministry-of-justice.uk |
:x: |
- office-of-the-public-guardian.org.uk |
+ justice-ministry.org.uk |
:x: |
- courtsservice.co.uk |
+ office-of-the-public-guardian.com |
:x: |
- tribunals-service.org |
+ prison-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- judiciary.org.uk |
+ courts-service.net |
:x: |
- national-offenders-management-service.co.uk |
+ 2.149.51.in-addr.arpa |
:x: |
- 247rapesupport.org.uk |
+ courtsandtribunals.co.uk |
:x: |
- cjsm.co.uk |
+ prisonsservice.org |
:x: |
- prisonsservice.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonservice.uk |
:x: |
- imacitizensrights.uk |
+ trackmycrime.info |
:x: |
- mojfax.com |
+ hmcs.org.uk |
:x: |
- victimandwitnessinformation.org.uk |
+ nationaloffendermanagementservice.com |
:x: |
- hwf.dsd.io |
+ legal-aid-agency.net |
:x: |
- tribunalsservice.org.uk |
+ ima-citizensright.org.uk |
:x: |
- prisonsservice.net |
+ her-majestys-prison-service.com |
:x: |
- public-guardian.com |
+ ministryjustice.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendersmanagementservice.org |
+ courtservice.org |
:x: |
- tribunalservice.net |
+ courtsservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-courts-service.uk |
+ imacitizensrights.uk |
:x: |
- taxcentreofexcellence.uk |
+ justice-ministry.uk |
:x: |
- prison-service.uk |
+ tribunalsservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- legalaidagency.net |
+ youth-justice-board.org |
:x: |
- trackmycrime.com |
+ her-majestys-courts-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- officeofthepublicguardian.uk |
+ her-majestys-courts-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- prisonservice.org.uk |
+ youth-justice-board.co.uk |
:x: |
- courtservice.net |
+ her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.net |
:x: |
- her-majestys-court-service.com |
+ ministry-of-justice.org |
:x: |
- ministry-justice.co.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonsservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-court-service.uk |
+ court-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- noms.org.uk |
+ tribunalsservice.net |
:x: |
- justiceministry.uk |
+ justice-ministry.org |
:x: |
- sentencing-council.co.uk |
+ her-majestys-prisons-service.uk |
:x: |
- justiceministry.co.uk |
+ nationaloffendersmanagementservice.com |
:x: |
- her-majestys-courts-service.co.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- sentencing-council.org.uk |
+ tribunals-service.uk |
:x: |
- probation-service.org.uk |
+ prisonsservice.uk |
:x: |
- justicegov.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonsservice.org |
:x: |
- tribunalsservice.net |
+ mojfax.net |
:x: |
- trackmycrime.co.uk |
+ ministry-justice.co.uk |
:x: |
- justiceministry.org.uk |
+ public-guardian.org.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-courts-service.net |
+ sentencingcouncil.org |
:x: |
- tribunalsservice.uk |
+ probation-service.com |
:x: |
- ministry-justice.org |
+ ministry-justice.org.uk |
:x: |
- youthjusticeboard.org |
+ prisonsservice.com |
:x: |
- courtservice.org |
+ ministryofjustice.net |
:x: |
- creatingfutureopportunities.gov.uk |
+ imacitizensrights.org.uk |
:x: |
- court-service.net |
+ her-majestys-court-service.net |
:x: |
- ministryjustice.org.uk |
+ nationaloffendersmanagementservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- tribunalsservice.com |
+ noms.org.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prisons-service.uk |
+ public-guardian.co.uk |
:x: |
- ministry-of-justice.org.uk |
+ her-majestys-court-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- tribunalservice.org |
+ her-majestys-prisons-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- office-of-the-public-guardian.uk |
+ probation-service.org |
:x: |
- office-of-the-public-guardian.net |
+ preprod-ho-nfd.co.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-court-service.co.uk |
+ mojfax.org |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prisons-service.net |
+ dom1fax.net |
:x: |
- ima-citizensright.uk |
+ her-majestys-prisons-service.com |
:x: |
- ministryjustice.org |
+ sentencingcouncil.net |
:x: |
- office-of-the-public-guardian.co.uk |
+ legal-aid-agency.co.uk |
:x: |
- courts-service.uk |
+ office-of-the-public-guardian.net |
:x: |
- ima-citizensright.co.uk |
+ her-majestys-courts-service.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtsservice.co.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- ministryjustice.net |
+ tribunal-service.net |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonservice.com |
+ tribunal.org.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonsservice.org |
+ youth-justice-board.org.uk |
:x: |
- courts-service.net |
+ victimandwitnessinformation.org.uk |
:x: |
- courtsservice.uk |
+ her-majestys-prisons-service.net |
:x: |
- mojprint.org |
+ ima-citizenrights.org |
:x: |
- imacitizensrights.org |
+ ima-citizensrights.org |
:x: |
- legal-aid-agency.org |
+ hermajestyscourtsservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- dutysolicitors.org |
+ her-majestys-prisons-service.org |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-service.org.uk |
+ hmpps.uk |
:x: |
- youthjustice.net |
+ courtsservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendersmanagementservice.org.uk |
+ courtservice.net |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.org.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- prisons-service.org |
+ youthjusticeboard.uk |
:x: |
- victimsinformationservice.org.uk |
+ dom1fax.com |
:x: |
- mhrt.org.uk |
+ her-majestys-court-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- hmppsinsights.co.uk |
+ sentencing-council.org.uk |
:x: |
- courts-service.org.uk |
+ her-majestys-court-service.org |
:x: |
- prisons-service.co.uk |
+ 247sexualabusesupport.org.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonsservice.org.uk |
+ officeofthepublicguardian.org |
:x: |
- public-guardian.net |
+ ima-citizensright.uk |
:x: |
- victimscommissioner.org.uk |
+ publicguardian.uk |
:x: |
- dom1fax.org |
+ ima-citizenrights.org.uk |
:x: |
- sentencing-council.com |
+ ministry-justice.com |
:x: |
- ministry-justice.uk |
+ justiceministry.net |
:x: |
- cica.gov.uk |
+ courts-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- public-guardian.org |
+ courts-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- tribunals-service.net |
+ her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.org |
:x: |
- prison-service.org |
+ petp.co.uk |
:x: |
- layobservers.org |
+ nationaloffendermanagementservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendermanagementservice.net |
+ hermajestysprisonsservice.net |
:x: |
- national-offenders-management-service.org |
+ her-majestys-courts-service.com |
:x: |
@@ -1282,75 +1278,75 @@ This repository currently manages the following domains:
:x: |
- ministry-of-justice.org |
+ legalaidagency.net |
:x: |
- prisons-service.org.uk |
+ ministryjustice.org.uk |
:x: |
- office-of-the-public-guardian.com |
+ ministry-of-justice.org.uk |
:x: |
- dom1print.org |
+ courtsandtribunals.net |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonsservice.net |
+ tribunalservice.uk |
:x: |
- trackmycrime.info |
+ hermajestyscourtservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- ministryjustice.com |
+ public-guardian.net |
:x: |
- preprod-ho-nfd.com |
+ her-majestys-courts-service.net |
:x: |
- courts-service.org |
+ imacitizensrights.com |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-service.net |
+ cjsm.co.uk |
:x: |
- courtsandtribunals.org.uk |
+ ministry-justice.org |
:x: |
- tribunalsservice.co.uk |
+ legalaidagency.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonservice.net |
+ national-offenders-management-service.com |
:x: |
- her-majestys-courts-service.com |
+ prisons-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- courts.org.uk |
+ court-service.org |
:x: |
- ima-citizensright.org |
+ tribunals-review.org.uk |
:x: |
- dom1fax.net |
+ public-guardian.uk |
:x: |
- trackmycrime.org.uk |
+ is-prod.dsd.io |
:x: |
@@ -1358,343 +1354,343 @@ This repository currently manages the following domains:
:x: |
- mojfax.org |
+ hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- tribunal.org.uk |
+ certificates.justice.gov.uk |
:x: |
- legal-aid.org.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-court-service.org.uk |
+ ima-citizensrights.co.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendermanagementservice.uk |
+ ministry-of-justice.com |
:x: |
- nationaloffendermanagementservice.org |
+ newfuturesnetwork.gov.uk |
:x: |
- prisons-service.net |
+ moj.org.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.org.uk |
+ probation-service.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonsservice.com |
+ officeofthepublicguardian.net |
:x: |
- ima-citizenrights.org.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- prisonsservice.org |
+ national-offenders-management-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- legal-aid-agency.co.uk |
+ tribunalsservice.uk |
:x: |
- tribunalservice.co.uk |
+ laadev.co.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtsservice.org |
+ tribunalsservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- tribunalservice.org.uk |
+ prison-service.org |
:x: |
- dom1print.net |
+ trackmycrime.org |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-service.co.uk |
+ national-offenders-management-service.net |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtservice.org |
+ brookhouseinquiry.org.uk |
:x: |
- legal-aid-agency.uk |
+ imacitizensrights.co.uk |
:x: |
- courtsservice.org.uk |
+ probationservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- tribunalsservice.org |
+ llrs.justice.gov.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.uk |
+ technicalaccountingcentreofexcellence.uk |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtsservice.uk |
+ tribunal-service.com |
:x: |
- courtsandtribunals.net |
+ ministryjustice.co.uk |
:x: |
- office-of-the-public-guardian.org |
+ ima-citizensrights.uk |
:x: |
- sentencingcouncil.org |
+ youthjusticeboard.org |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonsservice.uk |
+ test-ho-nfd.co.uk |
:x: |
- courtsandtribunals.org |
+ public-guardian.com |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtsservice.com |
+ ministryjustice.com |
:x: |
- ima-citizensrights.org |
+ ministryjustice.org |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonservice.co.uk |
+ mojprint.org |
:x: |
- mojprint.uk |
+ nationaloffendermanagementservice.co.uk |
:x: |
- legal-aid-agency.com |
+ dom1fax.co.uk |
:x: |
- justice-ministry.uk |
+ dom1print.co.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-service.org |
+ officeofthepublicguardian.co.uk |
:x: |
- mojprint.net |
+ hermajestysprisonservice.com |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtservice.com |
+ 73.135.18.in-addr.arpa |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.org |
+ legal-aid-agency.com |
:x: |
- technicalaccountingcentreofexcellence.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-service.org |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.net |
+ officeofthepublicguardian.com |
:x: |
- ima-citizensright.org.uk |
+ courtsandtribunals.org |
:x: |
- tribunal-service.com |
+ her-majestys-prisons-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- prison-service.org.uk |
+ hermajestyscourtservice.uk |
:x: |
- test-ho-nfd.co.uk |
+ youthjusticeboard.net |
:x: |
- prisonsservice.co.uk |
+ prisonservice.org |
:x: |
- probation-service.uk |
+ prisons-service.org |
:x: |
- national-offenders-management-service.com |
+ prisons-service.co.uk |
:x: |
- sifocc.org.uk |
+ ministry-justice.net |
:x: |
- dom1fax.uk |
+ sentencing-council.org |
:x: |
- officeofthepublicguardian.net |
+ dom1fax.uk |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-service.com |
+ justiceministry.uk |
:x: |
- hmpps.uk |
+ dom1print.net |
:x: |
- nationaloffendersmanagementservice.co.uk |
+ her-majestys-courts-service.org |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonservice.org |
+ creatingfutureopportunities.gov.uk |
:x: |
- tribunal-service.net |
+ hmpps.org |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prisons-service.org |
+ ministryjustice.net |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.co.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.org.uk |
:x: |
- officeofthepublicguardian.co.uk |
+ ministry-of-justice.net |
:x: |
- her-majestys-prison-and-probation-service.uk |
+ courts-service.com |
:x: |
- hermajestyscourtsservice.net |
+ sentencing-council.com |
:x: |
- dom1fax.com |
+ office-of-the-public-guardian.uk |
:x: |
- justiceministry.org |
+ preprod-ho-nfd.com |
:x: |
- her-majestys-court-service.net |
+ sentencingcouncil.com |
:x: |
- probationservice.org |
+ trackmycrime.com |
:x: |
- 8.132.18.in-addr.arpa |
+ nationaloffendersmanagementservice.uk |
:x: |
- justice-ministry.co.uk |
+ justiceministry.co.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendermanagementservice.co.uk |
+ her-majestys-prison-service.uk |
:x: |
- publicguardian.uk |
+ 8.132.18.in-addr.arpa |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonsservice.co.uk |
+ hwf.dsd.io |
:x: |
- national-offenders-management-service.net |
+ her-majestys-prison-service.net |
:x: |
- llrs.justice.gov.uk |
+ youthjusticeboard.org.uk |
:x: |
- 159.9.3.in-addr.arpa |
+ nationaloffendersmanagementservice.net |
:x: |
- mojprint.co.uk |
+ officeofthepublicguardian.uk |
:x: |
- brookhouseinquiry.org.uk |
+ justice-ministry.net |
:x: |
- hmcs.org.uk |
+ sifocc.org |
:x: |
- probationservice.uk |
+ sentencing-council.net |
:x: |
- court-service.org.uk |
+ taxcentreofexcellence.uk |
:x: |
- nationaloffendersmanagementservice.com |
+ helpwithcourtfees.dsd.io |
:x: |
- mojfax.co.uk |
+ tribunalservice.net |
:x: |
- sentencingcouncil.net |
+ 247rapesupport.org.uk |
:x: |
- national-offenders-management-service.uk |
+ hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.org |
:x: |
- ministryofjustice.net |
+ dutysolicitors.org |
:x: |
- hermajestysprisonandprobationservice.org |
+ justiceministry.org |
:x: |
- trackmycrime.org |
+ prisonsservice.org.uk |
:x: |
- sentencingcouncil.com |
+ judiciary.org.uk |
@@ -1717,4 +1713,4 @@ For more information on optional perameters for the script, run:
python3 fetch-cloudwatch-metrics.py -h
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/terraform/imb.org.uk.tf b/terraform/imb.org.uk.tf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2719f18..0000000
--- a/terraform/imb.org.uk.tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-module "imb_org_uk_zone" {
- source = "./modules/route53/zone"
- name = "imb.org.uk"
- tags = {
- component = "None"
- }
-module "imb_org_uk_records" {
- source = "./modules/route53/records"
- zone_id = module.imb_org_uk_zone.zone_id
- records = [
- {
- name = "imb.org.uk."
- type = "A"
- alias = {
- zone_id = data.aws_elb_hosted_zone_id.eu-west-2.id
- name = "jotwp-loadb-1mbwraz503eq6-1769122100.eu-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com."
- evaluate_target_health = false
- }
- },
- {
- name = "imb.org.uk."
- type = "MX"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "10 inbound-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "imb.org.uk."
- type = "NS"
- ttl = 172800
- records = [
- "ns-274.awsdns-34.com.",
- "ns-1464.awsdns-55.org.",
- "ns-1559.awsdns-02.co.uk.",
- "ns-687.awsdns-21.net."
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "imb.org.uk."
- type = "SOA"
- ttl = 900
- records = [
- "ns-274.awsdns-34.com. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "imb.org.uk."
- type = "TXT"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "v=spf1 -all"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "_a17f291094c56738f53f60414269a15f.imb.org.uk"
- type = "CNAME"
- ttl = 60
- records = [
- "_8434a359b8481c5767ade4985b20f14c.hkvuiqjoua.acm-validations.aws."
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "_amazonses.imb.org.uk"
- type = "TXT"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "DfZptPG81IShblj0yJ1jmGiqOOPyFuJQdNluGjeUi+w="
- ]
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- {
- name = "_dmarc.imb.org.uk"
- type = "TXT"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "v=DMARC1;p=none;sp=none;rua=mailto:dmarc-rua@dmarc.service.gov.uk"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "_smtp._tls.imb.org.uk"
- type = "TXT"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "v=TLSRPTv1;rua=mailto:tls-rua@mailcheck.service.ncsc.gov.uk"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "my.imb.org.uk"
- type = "CNAME"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "imbmembers.prod.wp.dsd.io"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "_3fc8a2dfb41e5703485146ebfdc6fe3d.my.imb.org.uk"
- type = "CNAME"
- ttl = 60
- records = [
- "_25ce653534cfe69d486bf5196e4c76d8.hkvuiqjoua.acm-validations.aws."
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "www.imb.org.uk"
- type = "CNAME"
- ttl = 300
- records = [
- "imb.org.uk"
- ]
- },
- {
- name = "_bfd2574796bb803800192be042cb12fa.www.imb.org.uk"
- type = "CNAME"
- ttl = 60
- records = [
- "_f39b2d1c51943d6f617b24ded0373daa.hkvuiqjoua.acm-validations.aws."
- ]
- },
- ]