- Remove coloredlogs by default
- Adds a label to progress bar
- Adds identity op so that padding can be turned on/off without weight loading mismatch.
- Adds reflection padding
- adds a "use_sobel" flag to derivative filter.
- Breaking changes in the ModelInterface and Callback API: - replaces forward/backward methods and update_validation with training_step, validation_step.
- Adds a scheduler callback and option to save its state in the callback
- Fix multiplot callback
- Adds conv-based bilinear and bicubic upsampling
- Adds a base_url parameter to visdom callbacks
- Adds optimizers state_dict i/o to checkpointers
- De-activate 'requires_grad' flag in GAN interfaces.
- Allows multiple inputs in discriminators
- Adds Multiplot callback
- Adds fixupResNet
- Makes padding optional in resnet
- Fix crop_like to accept odd sizes
- Fix WGAN constructor
- adds --server flag for remote visdom server to callbacks and argparser.
- gradient clipping in GAN interface
- separate extra losses in GAN interface
- re-enable image scripts
- resources in MANIFEST
- templates registered as resources
- adds a scaffolding mechanism to initialize a ttemplate repo with ttools.new
- fixes device bug in rgb2ycc
- adds yaml deps
- adds resize script
- update GAN interfaces
- adds .yml config parser
- updates perceptual losses
- update entrypoint build
- adds im2video script
- Bug fixes in Tensorboard logger
- Allows debug to print np.ndarray in addition to th.Tensor
- Adds tile extractor for numpy array and torch tensors.
- Fixes CheckpointingCallback: no longer delete end of epoch checkpoints by default according to max_files.
- Adds error to ExperimentLoggerCallback and CSVLoggingCallback, not implemented yet.
- Cleanup GAN interface
- Disable GAN when weight = 0
- Added LPIPS and ELPIPS perceptual losses to ttools/modules/losses.pyj:w
- Minor changes to the GAN interfaces
- Bug fixes in Tensorboard Callbacks
- Fixes a bug in the UNet channel counts with non-integral "increase_factor".
- Adds GAN interfaces
- Fixes a bug in ResidualBlock
- Adds tests for ResidualBlock
- moves set_logger and get_logger from training.py to utils.py