- update to grafana 5.2.4
- update to icinga2 2.9.2
- remove postgres support in data-collector
- enhanced support of moebius' multi-node-deployment
- import only the really needed Grafana templates
- support multiple installations of CAE(Live) on one host
- better errorhandling at importing of grafana dashboards
- support for the Publisher mbean (used in the content-management-server application)
- add check_publisher for icinga2
- add open file descriptors monitoring to icinga and grafana
- fix double entries in the prepared service cache
- more measuring points for mysql / mariadb monitoring
- change markdown browser backend to algernon
- remove postgres support
- enable cors for external integration
- remove obsolete code
- updates for mongodb 3.6
- MongoDB 3.6 removes the deprecated HTTP interface and REST API to MongoDB we support now the official ruby client
- support alpine 3.8
- update to grafana 5.2.2
- update to icinga2 2.9.1
- update to icingaweb2 1.6.1
- update to jolokia 1.6.0
- updates for mongodb 3.6 (remove deprecated HTTP interface and REST API)
- updates for more than one node deployment
- enable the refresh task in the service-discovery per default
- fix bug with ecommerce cache dashboard
- fix some grafana 5 dashboards
- create team prefixed docker-compose files
- fix bug for content server detection when the hostname was 'localhost'
- update to grafana 5.1.3
- grafana folder support
- set grafana 5 as default
- split annotations into more types
- update to icinga2 2.8.4
- update to icingaweb2 2.5.3
- update to jolokia 1.5.0
- update to graphite 1.1.3
- jolokia supports now authentication
- update to grafana gem 0.10.1
- update to icinga2 gem 1.0.0
- add new documentations container
- including the stack documentation and a operation guide
- support node_exporter v0.16.x
- add more documentations
- bugfix for icinga2 memory check
- update to grafana 5.0.4
- update icingaweb2
- set warning and critical values in some icinga2 checks
- add max feeder elements for CAE Feeders
- add this web UI
- add Background Feeder graphs for Content Feeder
- remove 'used UAPI Cache' from Grafana Overview
- update data-visualisation environment
- update data-compose environment
default log output is now stdout
DNS resolver rewritten
change output format
singulary environment and json are now possible
add Loglevel over Environment Variable
- you can now set a LOG_LEVEL Environment to modify the Loglevel possible values are: DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL < UNKNOWN default is INFO no valid value will set to UNKNOWN
remove some obsolete parts
use new version for icinga2 certificate exchange (0.17.5)
fix timing problems for RLS (#126)
icinga2-master / icinga2-satellite / icinga-client
- update the complete icinga suite
- enable safe master/satellite communication with self-monitoring
- use icinga2 gem in version (1.0-rc)
- update for icinga-cert-service
- use puma instead of thin
grafana / grafana-client
- overview dashboards can now be grouped by an array of tags
- use the new annotation feature of Grafana 4.6 remove the graphite-client, container is no longer needed
- fix typos
- fix bug with template_directory
- enable grafana5
- the grafana-client used now ruby erb templates insteed prepared json files
- code optimizations
- add support for CoreMedia/cms#13125
remove cm-external-discover container (is no longer needed)
https support for webservice
more documentations
- The internal API Port was changed from 4567 to 8080
- The Icinga2 Container has updated to v2.8.0 including certificateshandling
the docker volumes should be deleted for this container to create a new CA:
docker volume rm -f aio_icinga
update some containers add healthchecks to all Containers rewrite dokumentation consolidate all Dockerfiles reduce environment variables move some mq-jobs from the rest-service to service-discovery
data-collector add exception for missing MLS DNS entry all non-coremedia services (mysql, node_exporter, etc.) can now be in the cm-service.yaml configured e.g. port and cretentials
mysql: description: MySQL port: 3306 monitoring_user: monitoring monitoring_password: monitoring
service-discovery implement a 'rediscovery' feature after the service refreshing for the data-collector update the grafana dashboards. the overview and the license dashboard must be deleted before we can call the create_dashboard_for_host() function.
icinga-client add certificate support for the icinga-client update cm-icinga-client to use the service refresh event from our service-discovery
docker-compose remove all hard coded network ip use now the DNS from docker-host put all environment variables from environment.yaml back to docker-compose.yaml (possible depricated)
grafana-client update grafana gem update all API calls integrate the new annotation feature of grafana (#104) the configure_server function for grafana can now handle inline ruby erb template parts
rest-service minor improvements sanity checks for the REST API interanl cleanup and use of ruby styleguide
icinga2 add node_exporter check for load, memory and filesystem change icinga check for the sequence numbers between msl and rls use icinga2 side-channel to inject an inotify script for watching added hosts
Dashboards: fix short link for mongodb add load, and cpu count for the OS row
- recreate monitoring class as module and use a better structure
- optimize the rest service
- fix bug with the 'force' flag for creating hosts (#85)
- support https (#98)
- integrate ruby gem for grafana (#91)
- update some docker container
- enhance icinga2 checks (#84)
- add LDAP Support for grafana and icinga2 (#83)
- fixes for creating annotations
- optimize code
- fix problems with API access to grafana
- the API force flag are now stable
- new Port-Scanner
- fix problems with the 0.9 version of icinga2 gem
- the CAEs (live and preview) report there ContentServer similar to the MasterLiverServer for the ReplicationLiveServer
- the CAE ContentServer and the MasterLiveServer for the RLS are now available as custom vars into Icinga Host Information
- some documentation exapmles for our API
- reduce timing issues for add Host into Icinga and/or Grafana
- generally updates
- new LTS Version with many feature for monitoring in the AWS environment
- new LTS Version with many feature for monitoring in the AWS environment