To enable apache_exporter by Lusitaniae include role task: apache_exporter_lusitaniae
An array of additional flags to pass to the apache_exporter daemon (ie):
- '--scrape_uri=http://localhost/server-status/?auto'
The version of apache_exporter_lusitaniae to install. The default version can be found in the apache_exporter_lusitaniae variables file and the default version can be overridden using the following variable:
prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_version: "v1.0.0"
Allow the use of prerelease versions (beta, test, development, etc versions), defaults to 'false':
prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_use_prerelease: true
Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9117:
prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_host: ""
prometheus_apache_exporter_lusitaniae_port: 9117