Mesa's Server component allows for the following configuration to be passed in during initialization:
// Optional: port that Mesa should listen on. Defaults to 4000
port: number
// Optional: path that Mesa should exist on. Defaults to /
path: string
// Optional: namespace for Redis events. If you have multiple Mesa instances running on a cluster, you should use this
namespace: string
// Optional: allow Mesa to use an already established HTTP server for listening
server: http.Server | https.Server
// Optional: support for pub/sub via Redis
redis: Redis.RedisOptions | string
// Optional
client?: {
// Optional: enforce the same Mesa version between server and client. Defaults to false
enforceEqualVersions?: boolean
// Optional
options?: {
// Optional: store messages on the client object. This setting applies to both server and client instances. Defaults to false
storeMessages?: boolean
// Optional
sync?: {
// Enable / disable message sync. Defaults to false
enabled: boolean
// Optional: the interval in ms of message redeliveries. Defaults to 0ms
redeliveryInterval?: number
// Optional
portal?: {
// Enable / disable portals. Defaults to false
enabled: boolean
// Optional: try and distribute messages between Portals as best as possible. Defaults to true
distributeLoad?: boolean
// Optional
heartbeat?: {
// Enable / disable heartbeats. Defaults to false
enabled: boolean
// Optional: interval in ms for how often heartbeats should be sent to clients. Defaults to 10000ms
interval?: number
// Optional: how many heartbeats Mesa should send before closing the connection. Defaults to 3
maxAttempts?: number
// Optional
reconnect?: {
// Enable / disconnect reconnects. Defaults to false
enabled: boolean
// Optional: interval in ms for how often a client should try to reconnect once disconnected from a Mesa server. Defaults to 5000ms
interval?: number
// Optional
authentication?: {
// Optional: interval in ms for how long a client has to send authentication data before being disconnected from a Mesa server. Defaults to 10000ms
timeout?: number
// Optional: messages sent using Mesa.send will not be sent to unauthenticated clients. Defaults to false
required?: boolean
// Optional: send the user object to the client once authentication is complete. Defaults to true
sendUserObject?: boolean
// Optional: disconnect the user if authentication failed. Defaults to true
disconnectOnFail?: boolean
// Optional: store the IDs of connected users in a Redis set called connected_clients. Defaults to true
storeConnectedUsers?: boolean
To supply this config, pass it into the Mesa constructor as you would with any other configuration:
const mesa = new Mesa({
// Options go here