Project that helps people to find good craftsmen. Basically, you sign in, post the work you want to be done in your appartment / house, then craftsmen contact you. You can choose among them referering to their ranks (5 stars) and comments from other clients who does their work with them.
I've worked alone to produce the code of this project and my plan was to build a startup based on this website with other non-tech colleagues.
- Maven 3
- JDK 8
- Install Postgres 9.x
- Account in MandrillApp (
- Account in Cloudinary (
- Key for Recaptcha 2 (
You'll find the "standalone.xml" for the Wildfly configuration in the runtime folder.
mvn clean install
Create a database named batimen on your postgres
mvn process-test-resources -Ddatabase.login=toto Ddatabase.password=tata
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Basically there are two kinds of tests, integration test for webservice with arquillian and integration test with selenium
In order to run the webservice test you have to get wildfly and fill the jboss.home property in the castor-ws pom.
In order to run the selenium test you have to deploy the application (webservice + webapp) on Wildlfy. For that you can deploy by means of an IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ) or manually. I haven't set up the automatic deployment through maven on dev env.
mvn clean install
GNU General Public License v3.0