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Expense8Puzzle: A Python Implementation for Solving 8-Puzzle Problem


This repository contains a Python implementation of various algorithms to solve the classic 8-puzzle problem. The algorithms implemented include:

  • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Uniform Cost Search (UCS)
  • Depth-First Search (DFS)
  • Depth-Limited Search (DLS)
  • Iterative Deepening Search (IDS)
  • Greedy Best-First Search
  • A* Search

The program reads the initial and goal states of the puzzle from input files and finds the sequence of moves to solve the puzzle using the selected algorithm.


  • Python v3.0 or greater (Download: Python Downloads)
    • Verify installation by running the following command in Command Prompt:
      python --version
      The output should be the installed Python version, for example:
      Python 3.10.11
  • (Optional) Any IDE


  • Main implementation file containing the algorithms and utility functions.
  • start.txt: Example file containing the initial state of the puzzle.
  • goal.txt: Example file containing the goal state of the puzzle.

Classes and Functions

Class PuzzleTile

This class has the following methods:

  • generateHeuristic: Generates the heuristic by calculating the distance from the state of the tile to its goal state.
  • generateHeuristicGreedy: Generates heuristic for greedy search by adding the above heuristic to the cost.
  • isGoalState: Checks if the current state is the goal state.
  • moves: Returns a list of valid move directions ('Left', 'Up', 'Right', 'Down') based on the given tile's position in the puzzle.
  • generateSuccessorNodes: Generates child states and returns them.
  • gofn: Calculates the total cost of the state and its ancestors.
  • finalMove: Returns a list of solution nodes, cost, and moves.


  • printSolution: Prints solution information and returns a list of moves.
  • BFS: Performs Breadth-First Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state. Uses a queue to explore states and returns a solution path.
  • UCS: Performs Uniform Cost Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state. Uses a priority queue with cost as the priority and returns a solution path.
  • DFS: Performs Depth-First Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state. Uses a stack (LifoQueue) to explore states and returns a solution path.
  • DLS: Performs Depth-Limited Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state with a specified depth limit. Uses a stack (LifoQueue) to explore states and returns a solution path.
  • IDS: Performs Iterative Deepening Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state. Repeatedly performs Depth-Limited Search with increasing depth limits until a solution is found.
  • Greedy: Performs Greedy Best-First Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state. Uses a priority queue with a heuristic as the priority and returns a solution path.
  • AStar: Performs A* Search on the puzzle starting from the initial state. Uses a priority queue with the sum of cost and heuristic as the priority and returns a solution path.


Reads contents from start.txt and goal.txt files, executes the method mentioned in command line arguments, writes data to the trace log based on the dump flag, and prints the output.


To run the program, use the following command:

Through Command Prompt

  • Open the directory where the files are located.

  • Execute the following command to compile the code:

    py start.txt goal.txt [method] [isDumpFileRequired]


    py start.txt goal.txt bfs true
  • start.txt: File containing the initial state of the puzzle.

  • goal.txt: File containing the goal state of the puzzle.

  • [method]: (Optional) Algorithm to use. Default is "a*". Options include "bfs", "ucs", "dfs", "dls", "ids", "greedy", "a*".

  • [isDumpFileRequired]: (Optional) If "true", generates a trace file with the detailed execution log. Default is "false".


py start.txt goal.txt bfs true

This command will use the BFS algorithm to solve the puzzle and generate a trace file.


The program outputs the steps to solve the puzzle, including the number of nodes popped, nodes expanded, nodes generated, and the maximum fringe size.

Example Output

Nodes Popped = 1136
Nodes Expanded = 1045
Nodes Generated = 2777
Max Fringe Size= 593
Solution found at depth 12 with cost of 63
    Move 7 Left
    Move 5 Up
    Move 8 Right
    Move 7 Down
    Move 5 Left
    Move 6 Down
    Move 3 Right
    Move 2 Right
    Move 1 Up
    Move 4 Up
    Move 7 Left
    Move 8 Left

Using Visual Studio Code

  • Install and configure Python (VSCode Python Configuration).
  • Click on Terminal -> New Terminal and execute the command:
    py start.txt goal.txt <method> <isDumpFileRequired>
    py start.txt goal.txt bfs true


  • If no method is mentioned, A* is executed.
  • If no boolean dump value is provided, it is treated as false for the dump.
  • If no method is mentioned and the dump flag is provided, A* with the specified dump flag is executed.
  • If no method is mentioned and no dump flag is provided, A* with the dump flag set to false is executed.
  • DFS may take a long time to find the solution.
  • For DLS, provide a depth of 50 or more to get the solution.