Original link: https://code.google.com/archive/p/fast3d/downloads
This project started about two years ago on my laptop, when I was on train to home or to work. The first implementation was on Blender 2.40 The second with vtk 4.4 The last with Blender 2.45+
The goal of this projest is to draw a character and in the same time to modelling in 3D and rigging it.
15-12-07: I've downloaded a python blender script: who knows blender knows also how can use this script:-) IT'S A PROTOTYPE! It has a lot of bug... These are the main step of modelling process(not implemented): -draw->create stroke -from stroke create armature -with the help of skinny(another script) build a 3d modell from armature(to improve adding parameter on joint)