Python tools for analysing Boltzmann machine / Ising spin models. Includes functions for calculating exact moments of small Boltzmann machine models, exact maximum-likelihood gradient based training and various MCMC sampler implementations.
Requires NumPy, SciPy and CVXPY.
If Cython is installed, the Cython extension modules can be build from the Cython .pyx
source files using
python build_ext -use-cython
If Cython is not installed, the generated C source of the modules is also included and running
without the -use-cython
option will use the C source instead.
The following additional optional arguments can also be used with
-debug Export GDB debug information when compiling.
-use-gcc-opts Use GCC compiler optimisations for quicker but less safe
mathematical operations.
-use-cython-opts Add extra Cython compile directives for quicker but less
safe array access. Requires -use-cython to be set to have
an effect.
-use-openmp Compiles with OpenMP support.