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1:1 Questions

  • On a scale of 1-10, rate your overall satisfaction with your employment at this company.
  • What is the number one reason you get out of bed in the morning and come to work?
  • List three items you would like to have for your desk if budget was not a concern.
  • Is there any topic that comes up during the day that you feel confused or unclear about?
  • Is there anyone specifically that you have a hard time working with for any reason?
  • Do you feel challenged on a daily basis?
  • Do you feel competitive with your coworkers, or is it more of a teamwork environment?
  • Is there anyone within the company that you look up to, and why?
  • Is this job providing you with a good overall work/life balance?
  • Tell me your thoughts on my management style.
  • Do you feel like your education is being put to its maximum use in your position?
  • Are you proud of your work? What could we do to make you feel more pride in your job?
  • How can we change our staff meetings to make them more productive?
  • Tell me about your greatest accomplishment while employed here.
  • Would you like to work at home occasionally if that was offered to you?
  • How much longer will you be satisfied in your current position before receiving a promotion?
  • On a scale of 1-10 how much time do you feel is wasted in your day? What could we do to be more efficient?
  • Do you feel obligated to participate in any office activities that you would rather not be a part of?
  • As managers, what can we do to give your workday more direction?
  • If you were to receive a compensation increase, would you prefer higher pay or more benefits?
  • What three simple things could make your work days more enjoyable?
  • Describe a scenario that has arisen in your job that you don't feel you have the proper tools to handle effectively.
  • What would it take for you to leave this job for a new position?
  • Have you thought of any special projects that you would enjoy working on if given the opportunity?
  • Describe in detail the first hour of your normal work day.
  • Describe in detail the last hour of your normal work day.
  • Is there someone in the office that you would like to work more closely with?
  • Name something you do on a daily basis at work that you feel does not get enough attention or credit.
  • Do you want to be more involved in decision making, or do you prefer to enact the decisions of others?
  • Present me with a situation that you would like to know my response to.
  • List three things that you think the company as a whole should do to be more competitive.
  • What specific functions would you train a new employee on first?
  • In general, do you feel you are given enough opportunities to advance your career? If not, what more could be done to help move you towards your goals.
  • What is your personal opinion of the long term outlook for this company?
  • Do you see any market opportunities that the company is not taking advantage of?
  • What chances would you like to be given to feel more apart of the decision-making process?
  • What is one thing that could be done to make you feel more 'at home' in the office?
  • Who in the office do you think has knowledge that you could benefit from?
  • What are your big dreams in life? Is this job getting you closer to reaching them?
  • Have any outgoing employees expressed specific issues to you? What were they?
  • Do you feel the work is evenly distributed across the team? Is there anyone carrying too much? What are some ways we could even things out?
  • Are you uncomfortable giving any of your peers constructive criticism? If so, why?
  • What is something we could do as a team to improve the company?
  • What is an example of a "little thing" that really impressed you recently? (For example, great customer service or a well-designed product.)
  • Do you think the salary possibilities within this company are enough to satisfy you long term?
  • Tell me about a recent situation you wish you would have handled differently.
  • List 2 things that you see being done inefficiently around the office. Is it worth making them more efficient? Why or why not?
  • If you sat in on an interview for a prospective employee, what one question would you ask them?
  • If you were to give yourself a rating (1-10) today, what would it be?
  • In your opinion, is the staffing level in the office sufficient to keep up with the workload?
  • What about the physical arrangement of the office do you like? What would you change?
  • Tell me about the last time you felt proud of yourself to solving a problem on the job.
  • Is the job you perform on a daily basis what you expected when you took it?
  • Pick a question to ask your manager about their background or career. [this one is for the you to come up with!]
  • What's the best compliment you've ever received at work? [this one's for your manager to ask! phew, back to normal.]
  • List 3 things you would like to see when you come to work every day.
  • Is this job fitting in well with your life as a whole?
  • Are you happy that you left your previous job for this one?
  • How long can you see yourself working here?
  • Are you having fun? Tell me about the most fun you've had working here.
  • What is most important to our business -- mission, core values, or vision?
  • What are you doing really well that is moving you towards your career goals?
  • What parts of the business would you like to be more involved in or learn more about?
  • Sometimes an organization gets so focused on the tactical and day-to-day that they forget to take time to focus on being creative and fostering innovative ideas. What can we do to be more creative and innovative?
  • How often do people ask you for help? What do they ask for and how long does it take you?
  • Do you enjoy office functions (parties, dinners) or would you rather be rewarded in some other way?
  • How well-received do you feel your opinions are when you offer them up?
  • What goals do you feel like you have accomplished professionally since you began work here?
  • In what ways could we improve communications around the office?
  • On a scale of 1-10 what level of loyalty do you feel to the company as a whole?
  • Name the first two things you would do if you were put in charge for a day.
  • What is one thing we could do to make the office more comfortable/enjoyable/fun (or just better) without spending much money?
  • How well do you feel like you relate to you coworkers? Do you view them as friends?
  • Do you feel like you receive feedback often enough?
  • Who do you really admire?
  • What makes for a great day at work?
  • If money were no object, what would you do every day?
  • How often do you think staff meetings are needed to keep everyone on the same page?
  • Are you making as much money now as you hoped when you accepted the job?
  • List the top three things that you feel waste time during your day.
  • Without naming anyone specifically, do you know of anyone in the office that is unhappy?
  • If the need should arise, do you feel comfortable filling any roles other than your own in the office?
  • Have you been asked to do anything as part of your job that pushed your out of your comfort zone?
  • From a resources standpoint, is there anything that would help you do your job better?
  • Speaking honestly, what is one criticism you would have for me?
  • When have you had the most fun at work? (And it doesn't have to be this company! It can be past roles too.)
  • Generally speaking, are you happy being employed here?
  • What are 1 or 2 things in our team that could be done more efficiently?
  • What is one thing that I, or the company, could to do support you in achieving your goals?
  • How could your working hours be adjusted to better fit your schedule?
  • When was the last time you got stuck and needed help at work? Who/what helped you get unstuck?
  • What part of your job do you enjoy the most? And which part do you enjoy least?
  • What is one thing we aren't currently doing, but could be doing to grow the business?
  • What part of your job do you wish you didn't have to do?
  • What are your top 3 super powers?
  • What is the biggest challenge we will face this year?
  • Tell me about your long term career goals.
  • What is a mistake you made recently that you learned a lot from?
  • Are there any areas of your job that you would like additional training in?
  • Tell me about one coworker that you feel does a particularly good job.
  • List three things that motivate you to do your work each day.
  • What is one thing that I could do to make you more productive?
  • What did you want to be when you grew up?
