A minimal node http server framework by Mart Anthony Salazar
API Benchmark results using autocannon for API load testing
Rank | Framework | Req/Byte count | Time taken | Data read |
1 | Fastify | 87k requests | 5.21s | 13.1mb |
2 | Unnamed.js | 77k requests | 5.21s | 11.6mb |
3 | Koa.js | 56k requests | 5.12s | 8.29mb |
4 | Express.js | 37k requests | 5.1s | 7.77mb |
- Getting Started
- Middlewares
- Routes
- Request
- Response
- Modular Routing
- Route Options
- Setup Demo
- Unnamedjs cli
- Install the unnamed-js package using yarn or npm
npm i unnamed-js
- In your main script, call the unnamed function and assign it to a variable There are 2 ways to start the server, if you passed the options when calling the method, the server will automatically start.
const unnamed = require("unnamed-js");
const server = unnamed({
port: 3000,
init: () => {
// This will run as the server initializes
console.log("App is running");
or you can start the server manually
const server = unnamed();
const PORT = 3000;
server.startServer(PORT, callback);
- Middleware functions are methods that have access to the request object and the response object.
server.middleware((request, response) => {
request.user = user;
This framework supports the 5 commonly-used HTTP request methods. The methods can be accessed through the returned server object
In the main script, you can use directly the http methods by destructuring the server object
const { GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE } = server;
GET("/", (req, res) => {
query - endpoint queries can be accessed through request.query object
- Sample endpoint: http://localhost:3000/user?name=mart&age=19
GET("/user", (request, response) => {
username: request.query.name,
age: request.query.age,
params - Params object contains parameter values parsed from the URL path
- Sample endpoint: http://localhost:3000/user/123456
GET("/user/:id", (request, response) => {
userId: request.params.id,
- body - The read-only body property of the Request interface contains a ReadableStream with the body contents that have been added to the request.
POST("/post", async (request, response) => {
const post = await new Post(request.body).save();
Note: Unnamed.js has a built-in body parser that listens to data event and attaches to request object. You don't need to install external library such as body parser.
- code() - This method sets the response status code. If you want to know more about HTTP status codes, visit MDN Web Documentation
- Syntax:
const status: number = 200; response.code(status);
- send() - This method basically sends the HTTP response. The body parameter can be a String or a Buffer object or an object or an Array. It accepts a single parameter body that describe the body which is to be sent in the response. It also automatically parse the body into JSON if possible.
- Syntax:
const body = { id: 123456, name: Mart Anthony Salazar, age: 19 } response.send(body)
- You can also render html using HTML String
response.send(`<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" />`);
HTML input tag rendered in unnamed-js response.send reduces the vulnerability in reflected xss attacks (tested using xsstrike)
- goto() - This method redirects the to the URL derived from the specified path.
The server object comes up with a router() method to include routes from another javascript file.
- This takes a parameter of array of objects
- For example, you have two routers: auth and users
// app.js
// routes/index.js
const routes = [
prefix: "users",
router: require("./user.route"),
prefix: "auth",
router: require("./auth.route"),
module.exports = routes;
- For the users route:
const userRoute = ({ GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE }) => {
GET('/', (request, response)=>{
response.send("User route)
module.exports = userRoute;
Here are some options you can define when registering a specificoute
- beforeEnter - an array of methods that will fire before entering the route, this can access the request and response objects
- Sample code:
const {verifyUser} = require('../utils/verify')
const checkAdmin = async(request,response)=>{
const isAdmin = await verifyUser()
if(!isAdmin) return response.code(401).send({msg:"You cannot access this route"})
const userRoute = ({ GET }) => {
GET('/', {beforeEnter: [isAdmin]},(request, response)=>{
response.send("User route)
module.exports = userRoute;
- bannedKeys - an array that will remove the matching keys in request body
- Sample code
const userRoute = ({ POST }) => {
GET('/create', {bannedKeys:["address", "number"]},(request, response)=>{
response.send("User route)
module.exports = userRoute;