installs useful git, node, rust, and @magic aliases.
fortunately, the rest of the linux ecosystem seems to be smart enough not to do that too often.
- gs = ghostscript.
- ll, la, l: exist on some operating systems. should be no change in behaviour though.
npm i -g @magic/bash-aliases
strings in ${} are expected cli arguments
ll -> ls -alF --color
la -> ls -A --color
l -> ls -CF --color
ga -> git add ${...files}
gaa -> git add --all
gb -> git branch
gbb -> git checkout -b ${name}
gc -> git commit -m "message string" ${...files}
gca -> git commit --amend
gd -> git -c color.ui=always diff
gl -> git -c color.ui=always log
gp -> git push
gps -> git push --set-upstream ${remote} ${branch}
gr -> git remote -v
gra -> git remote add ${name} ${url}
grr -> git remote remove ${name},
gs -> git -c color.status=always status
gt -> git tag -a '...ARGV' -m '...ARGV'
gcbump -> git commit -m 'version: bump' ./package.json ./package-lock.json"
gcdeps -> git commit -m 'deps: update' ./package.json ./package-lock.json"
gcdevdeps -> git commit -m 'devdeps: update ' ./package.json ./package-lock.json"
gcdist -> git commit -m 'dist: update' ./dist"
gcdocs -> git commit -m 'docs: update' ./docs"
gclog -> git commit -m 'readme: update changelog' ./"
gcread -> git commit -m 'readme: update' ./"
nb -> npm run build
nd -> npm run dev
nf -> npm run format
ni -> npm install
np -> npm run prod
nr -> npm run
ns -> npm start
nt -> npm test
nu -> npm update
m -> magic dev
mb -> magic build
mc -> magic clean
md -> magic dev
mp -> magic prod
ms -> magic serve
cb -> cargo build
cch -> cargo check
cf -> cargo fmt -v
ci -> cargo install
cr -> cargo run
ct -> cargo test
cw -> cargo watch
cwr -> cargo watch -x run
first release
add colors to directory listings.
- update git commit messages
- fix docs
- rename cc to cch to prevent name clash.
- add gt => git tag -a $1 -m $1
bump required node version to 14.2.0
- bump required node version to 14.15.4
- update dependencies
gcdocs: "git add docs" before comitting
- update dependencies
- add nr -> npm run, but do not alias it yet -.-
actually add the nr bin alias to package.json
update dependencies
- rename package in readme header
- update dev dependencies
- add gcdist command, add nr command
- update changelog
- update devDependencies