Most of information are taken from "Introduction to Linux" and "Linux bible" books , GNU documentations, Linus Torvalds posts on comp.os.minix (which are gathered from https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awb/linux.history.html) and Wikipedia.
Most of information are gathered from each distribution own website and https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/whats-the-difference-between-linux-distributions-if-theyre-all-linux-makeuseof-explains/
Some of information are taken from ubuntu's help.
Most of information are taken from "Introduction to Linux" and "Linux bible" books and following sites: https://www.linuxnix.com/linux-directory-structure-explained-boot-folder/
grep: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-grep-command-in-linux-unix/ ps -x | grep firefox grep names.csv shayan ls -l | grep ^d
cut cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 | sort | grep shayan
sed ls -l > test.o sed -ni 's/Desktop/Dekstop/gi' sed /^%/d' file.txt https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/the-basics-of-using-the-sed-stream-editor-to-manipulate-text-in-linux#printing-lines
how to fuck your system nicely create a infinite loop in a programming language run it as many of your core using sudo nice ./a.out -n -20
head head -c16 /dev/random
compiling a hello world in c: make a simple hello world project compile it using gcc then make it excecutable and run it then use gitinit and the apend main.o to gitignore echo main.o >> .gitignore