As geophysicists can never agree on a standard colormap to plot seismic datasets that make every one happy, I try to make a package that include most common colormaps so that I can call them simply by import a package. This package is designed to be minimal initially and try to include as manny cm as possible. Open a pull request for any new colormap that you want me to include and I will put it in the package as soon as possible.
- Blue-White-Red
- Seismic
- Phase
- Frequency
For a given $CM (replace $CM by the actual colormap that you want to use), you can use it as following:
from seiscm import $CM
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(img, cmap=$CM())
pip install seiscm
Download srouce file from releases page. Under the root directory, type:
python install
In counter of any trouble, contact