If you use maven, you need a maven build from the project. Then you can use the following dependency:
The artifact is in the maven central repository.
Example application
Create a new instance of "PasswordModule":
PasswordModule passwordModule = new PasswordModuleImpl(String secretId, String secretSaltPw, String secureSaltKey, EncryptionType typeEncrypt, AlgorithmType typeEncod, int randomPasswordLength)
secretId - Salt value for encryption and encoding secretSaltPw - Salt value for password encoding secureSaltKey - Salt value for encryption typeEncrypt - Type for encryption typeEncod - Type for encoding randomPasswordLength - Length for fake passwords (honeywords)
This function generate a random password:
public String generateRandomPassword(int length);
This function generate a password with encryption and encoding:
public String getCodePassword(String password)
This function generate a password with encryption and encoding and fake passwords:
public String[] getHoneyPasswordList(String password, int size)
This function checks, is the variable password the right password. For this you need the whole list from "getHoneyPasswordList":
checkPassword(String[] passwordArray, String password)
If you want to encryption other values, you can use the following functions:
public String encrypt(String value, String key, EncryptionType type);
public String decrypt(String value, String key, EncryptionType type);
PasswordModule passwordEncoder = new PasswordModuleImpl("secretid", "salt", "ThisIsaSaltValue", EncryptionType.AES, AlgorithmType.SHA_512, 20);
String[] passwordArray = passwordEncoder.getHoneyPasswordList("test", values);
Assert.assertTrue(passwordEncoder.checkPassword(passwordArray, passwordEncoder.getCodePassword("test")));
If you get the exception, then you need to download "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files".