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Workflow file for this run

# - Github Audit Checker
# - checks if an audit was conducted
# > is there at least one complete entry in the audit log for that contract/version
# - checks if all audit-related files are updated accordingly
# > is the audit report uploaded to ./audit/reports/ ?
# - checks if there is one approving review of an auditor (do we really want this?)
# - checks if the logged audit commit hash is part of the commits of this PULL_REQUEST
# - will only check the last 100 commits for any matches with audit commit hashes
name: Verify Audit Information
workflows: ['check-audit-required', 'Audit Requirement Check'] # Only runs after the "Audit Requirement Check" workflow is completed
- completed # Runs when the first workflow completes
# - name: Check if PR is approved by auditor(s)
# id: check-auditor-approval
# uses: actions/github-script@v7
# if: env.CONTINUE == 'true'
# with:
# script: |
# const fs = require('fs');
# const auditorHandlesFile = 'auditor_handles.txt'; // Adjust this if needed
# // Read auditor handles from file
# const auditorHandles = fs.readFileSync(auditorHandlesFile, 'utf-8').split(/\r?\n/).filter(Boolean);
# const { data: reviews } = await github.pulls.listReviews({
# owner: context.repo.owner,
# repo: context.repo.repo,
# pull_number: context.issue.number,
# });
# let allApproved = true;
# auditorHandles.forEach(handle => {
# const approved = reviews.some(review => review.user.login === handle && review.state === 'APPROVED');
# if (!approved) {
# console.log(`PR is not approved by ${handle}`);
# allApproved = false;
# } else {
# console.log(`PR is approved by ${handle}`);
# }
# });
# if (!allApproved) {
# core.setFailed("Not all required auditors have approved the PR.");
# } else {
# core.setOutput('approved', 'true');
# }
- name: Check if all required commits are part of the PR

Check failure on line 57 in .github/workflows/checkAudit.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/checkAudit.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 57
id: check_commit_hashes
if: env.CONTINUE == 'true'
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const fs = require('fs');
// ANSI escape codes for colors (used for colored output in Git action console)
const colors = {
reset: "\033[0m",
red: "\033[31m",
green: "\033[32m",
yellow: "\033[33m",
// Read commit hashes from file
const commitHashesFile = 'commit_hashes.txt'; // Adjust this if needed
const commitHashes = fs.readFileSync(commitHashesFile, 'utf-8').split(/\r?\n/).filter(Boolean);
// Log the number of commit hashes found
console.log(`${commitHashes.length} relevant audit commit hashes found: ${commitHashes}`);
const owner = context.repo.owner;
const repo = context.repo.repo;
const pull_number = context.issue.number;
let allCommitsFound = true;
// define a function that ensures that a given commit hash is part of the current pull request
const checkCommit = async (hash) => {
try {
// get the commit through github REST API
const { data: commit } = await{
ref: hash,
// get all PRs associated with this commit
const associatedPRs = (await{
commit_sha: hash,
// check if any of the associated PR numbers matches with <this> PR number
const isAssociatedWithPR = associatedPRs.some(pr => pr.number === pull_number);
// if current commit is not associated to this PR, end this
if (!isAssociatedWithPR) {
// console.log(`${}None of the associated PRs (${JSON.stringify( => pr.number))}) of commit ${hash} matches with this PR (${pull_number})${colors.reset}`);
console.log(`${}None of the associated PRs (${ => pr.number)}) of commit ${hash} matches with this PR (${pull_number})${colors.reset}`);
console.log(`${}Please check if the 'auditCommitHash' in the audit log is accurate and try again.${colors.reset}`);
// set flag to false
else console.log(`${}Commit ${hash} is associated with this PR. Check passed.${colors.reset}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`${}The following audit commit seems to be invalid: ${hash}${colors.reset}`);
console.log(`${}Please check if the 'auditCommitHash' in the audit log is accurate and try again.${colors.reset}`);
// set flag to false
(async () => {
for (const hash of commitHashes) {
console.log(`Now checking auditCommitHash: ${hash}`)
await checkCommit(hash);
// Set environment variable based on whether all commits are found
const envFilePath = process.env.GITHUB_ENV;
fs.appendFileSync(envFilePath, `CONTINUE=${allCommitsFound}\n`);
if (!allCommitsFound)
core.setFailed("This check failed");
else {
console.log(`${}All audit commits have been successfully verified.${colors.reset}`);
core.setOutput('all_commits_present', 'true');