kanban-plugin |
board |
- Scrape Judge From URL
- Data Analysis MVP
- Data Analysis by Judge
- Database status page (where are errors, how many entries, contribute to outstanding tasks)
- Connect to powerBI
- Gender Binding From API #Sam
- Scrape Judge From Pairing #Lev
- Gender Binding From Dataset #Sam
- Scrape Debater From Pairing #Lev
%% kanban:settings
{"kanban-plugin":"board","list-collapse":[false,false,false,false,false],"tag-colors":[{"tagKey":"#Lev","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","backgroundColor":"rgba(9, 255, 34, 0.1)"},{"tagKey":"#Sam","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","backgroundColor":"rgba(0, 47, 255, 0.1)"}]}