Reflect on my learnings over the last 5 weeks of bootcamp at Enspiral Dev Academy.
HTML + CSS and roughly four lines of Javascript
React with Stateful Components, React Parallax, Bulma CSS, NodeJS and Webpack.
Link to commits - today is Sept 08, 2018
Link to website
Add to this app overtime and use it as my online portfolio website. Reflect on my learnings as the entire app only required two hours of planning and 3-4 hours of development time.
I felt confident with Bulma CSS and Parallax effects even though it was my first time using them. The code flowed well thanks to my touchtyping ability and I could quickly get the website up and running while ensuring it matched my wireframe designs.
I didn't realise till halfway that App and Personal Blogs both needed to be a stateful component. In future I will include that in my planning phase so I can quickly set up state and add to it during the build, instead of thinking "whoops I needed state, let's redo some components to handle state and props."
We also learned API and SQL but there's no need for those features at this current time. Redux is coming in the next week.
TODOS: Create mobile friendly version and link it when someone is browsing this page on mobile DONE Remove v1 images in the public folder and any packages that are no longer used (as well as css id's)
The main application will look for users with smaller screens and recommmend that they browse to my mobile portfolio website instead.