Download, process and correlate continuous seismic data
Information on usage can be found in the ants-doc.tar archive. After installation (see below), start with ants_quickstart.pdf.
mpi4py (uses openmpi or mpich)
h5py (uses hdf5)
pyasdf (
It is convenient to install the dependencies with anaconda ( To install obspy and pyasdf, adding the conda-forge channel is necessary, see If you want to write correlations to pyasdf directly, it is currently necessary to install it with parallel hdf5 support; see In most cases it is easier to write them to SAC and convert to pyasdf after all correlations are computed.
After cloning, ants should be set up by running:
pip install -v -e .
in the ants_2 directory. If successfully installed, one should be able to call the scripts with:
This should display a list of commands.
Sometimes mpi4py causes problems when running on mac OS. In some cases installing mpi4py with pip after having installed the other dependencies with conda works better.