diff --git a/GoldbachTm/Tm31/Prime.lean b/GoldbachTm/Tm31/Prime.lean index 60daa02..f942d1e 100644 --- a/GoldbachTm/Tm31/Prime.lean +++ b/GoldbachTm/Tm31/Prime.lean @@ -99,18 +99,13 @@ induction rb with intros i la lb ra l r g hm obtain ⟨j, la', lb', g, h₁, h₂⟩ := g apply induction_step at g rw [← h₂] at g - have h : ra + 1 + 2 = ra + 3 := by omega - rw [h] at g + ring_nf at * specialize g h₁ obtain ⟨k, la'', lb'', g, h₃, h₄⟩ := g use! (j+k), la'', lb'' + ring_nf at * repeat any_goals constructor - any_goals tauto - . rw [← Nat.add_assoc i, g] - repeat any_goals first | omega | rfl | apply congr - . have h : ra + (rb + 1) +2 = ra + 1 + rb + 2:= by omega - rw [h] - assumption + all_goals tauto -- l 0 1 0 [lb 11] 0 0 [(rb+1) 1] 0 r -- c1 ^ c2