Website allows women to create amd receive code reviews. Get rewarded in NEAR.
Backend is hosted on the NEAR testnet
Frontend is hosted on Netlify
- rust
- react
- near js api
change to contract directory
cd contract
Login to near
near login
Replace YOUR_ACCOUNT with your real account
Create a sub account
near create-account code_mentor.YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet --masterAccount YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet
Deploy the contract
near deploy code_mentor.YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/code_mentor.wasm
Make a submission
question - explain the problem you are trying to solve and what you need help with
language - this the coding language pick either (javascript, python, rust, or java)
code - this is the code snippet
near call code_mentor.code_mentor.testnet submit_code '{"submission_id": "1",
"submission_meta": {
"language": "python",
"code": "def hello():",
"question": "help",
"updated": "2022-07-17T08:31:58.933Z"
"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet"
}' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet --amount 0.1
Get submissions for account
near call code_mentor.code_mentor.testnet submissions_for_account '"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet"' --accountId code_mentor.testnet
Get submissions to review
near call code_mentor.YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet get_submissions_to_review '"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet"' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet
Submit a comment
near call code_mentor.YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet submit_comment '{
"comment_id": "1",
"submission_id": "1",
"comment_meta": {
"text": "OK",
"updated": "2022-07-17T08:31:58.933Z"
"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet"
}' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet
Delete sub account
near delete code_mentor.YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet YOUR_ACCOUNT.testnet
yarn install
yarn start
yarn build