An app that helps you find information about restaurants in your current location, or at a specified location. After creating an account, you can save restaurants to your Favourites list!
- As a user, I want to be able to enter a specific location to see suggested restaurants in that specific area
- As a user, I want to be able to use GeoLocation to see suggested restaurants in my current area
- As a user, I want a list of search results with information about each restaurant so I can find out more about each restaurant
- As a user, I want to be able to sort my results by distance, cost and rating so I can make a decision about which restaurant(s) I would like to go to
- As a user, I want to be able to sign up for an account so I can save restaurants to a Favourites list, which I can refer back to
- As a user, I want to be able to log in so I can access my Favourites list at a later date
- Git/GitHub
- JavaScript
- React
- Python
- Django
- Django REST framework
- PostgreSQL
- Webpack
- Babel
- Cypress
- Bulma
- Mapbox (to convert addresses, postcodes and city names to coordinates)
- Leaflet (to show markers on a map)
- Zomato (to get restaurant information)
- Unsplash (to get random images for the homepage)
Create a database called foogle_db in PostgreSQL.
In the root directory, create an .env file. Inside the .env file, write the following (replacing YOUR USERNAME with your PostgreSQL username, and YOUR PASSWORD with your PostgreSQL password):
In the root directory:
npm install
Build the React project:
npm run dev
Go into your project directory:
cd project
And install the following dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Creating new migrations based on the models:
python makemigrations
Apply the migrations:
python migrate
To view the app in your browser:
python runserver
Now, the app should be running on localhost:8000.
Make sure you are in the RestaurantApp/project directory. Start the server:
python runserver
Open a new terminal. In the root directory, type this in the command line to start the integration tests:
npm run e2e
Type this in the command line to test the RESTful API:
python test api
npm start
Ideas for future features to implement:
- Ability to Drag & Drop items to your Favourites list
- Ability to share your profile with other users
- Build recommendations based on your Favourites
- Django tutorial (inc testing):
- Database setup:
- Creating models:
- Django API:
- Map API (Leaflet):