#Base Website Framework
Minimal front-end template built using Foundation 5 and made to work with IE8 (F3 fallback).
- Foundation 5.2.2
- normalize.scss
- style.scss
- jQuery v.2.1.1
- Modernizr v2.7.2
- Foundation 3.2.5
- JQuery v.1.9.0
- Modernizr v2.6.2
- Hammer
|– assets/
| |– css/ # Styles
| |– components/ # F5 styles
| |– legacy/ # F3 styles
| |– normalize.scss # Reset
| |– style.scss # Global styles and imports
| |– img/ # Global elements
| |– icons/ # favicons
| |– ui/ # UI elements
| |– js/ # Scripts
| |– foundation/ # F5 scripts
| |– legacy/ # F3 scripts
| |– vendor/ # Original vendor scripts
| |– lib.js # Used Foundation scripts
| |– main.js # Custom
| |– vendor.js # Compiled vendor scripts
|– Built/ # Static site rendered by Hammer
|– includes/ # Template snippets
| |– _icons.html/ # Favicons
| |– _meta.html/ # Opengraph info
| |– _scripts-footer.html/ # Script links in footer
| |– _scripts-head.html/ # Script links in header
| |– _styles.html/ # CSS links
|– media/ # Content assets
| |– files/ # All files
| |– images/ # All images
| |– videos/ # All videos
|– index.html/ # UI Toolkit
|– template.html/ # Base page layout