- Logeswaran Audhikesavan - https://www.linkedin.com/in/logeswaranaudhikesavan/
- Kushal Seth - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sethkushal/
- Shishir Agarwal - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shishir0agrawal/
Local instance of (https://github.com/KushalGH/chainreviews.git)
- ETHIndia Hackathon
- Any users, will be able to submit their reviews on any products/services.- They will be represented as Reviewers.
- Any users, who is reviewing those reviews & can up-vote or down-vote basis their opinions.
- If a reviews get Upvoted, then a minute fraction of ether(Say - 0.0001) will be transferred to "Original Reviewer" address.
- If a reviews get DownVoted, then nothing happens, except downvote count get increases. If Downvote limit reaches more than 50, then "original reviewers" will be deducted the minuet fraction of ether..(Say - 0.00001)
- Reviewers cannot upvote/downvote their own reviews, which helps eliminate fake review counts
- Clone the repositories https://github.com/KushalGH/chainreviews.git using following command git clone https://github.com/KushalGH/chainreviews.git
- do run "npm install" command to ensure node packages are up-to-date & in sync
- Ensure you have "Ganache" & It is running status
- Ensure you have "MetaMask" extensions added into chrome & enabled custom RPC to sync the accounts with Ganache
- Using below command to deploy the contract into Ganache truffle migrate --network ganache --compile-all --reset
- Once it is migrated successfully, run below command to launch the server npm run dev
- You can add "reviews" using "add my review", choose file(photos) & upload. this will upload your pic in IPFS & return back the hash key, once it is showing succesuflly upload. Click submit to add your reviews into Blockchain.
- Now, choose anotherr account in metamask, now you can see two button enabled (upvote/downvote). if reviews are upvoted, then original "reviews provider" will get some ether(0.0001) as rewards
- if downvotes, same will be reduced from user account.
- Faced issues using Metamask,sometimes RPC error occured
- Installing "Embark Status" was quite challenging. So we ended up using traditional method.
- Test case debugging
- Developed using Solidity and web3.js
- used node.js, web3 and solc compiler
- used Remix for contract testing
- Used truffle framework in order to the ease developement process
- Testing of smart contracts was done on
- Ganache (Private Local Blockchain)
- Testing was done using javascript instead of a solidity contract creation way.
- Javascript testing method used the Mocha framework
- Solidity,IPFS, MetaMask, Web3js, Truffle, Ganache, Shell script, EVM Framework. JQuery,
- It helps service provider to get the reviews from our Decentralized System & integrate that into their centralized system which will eliminate fake reviews.
- Since, users are being rewarded, increase in customer genuine reviews will be more,so platform(Smart contract) address will transfer ethers to respective reviewers.
- To Integrate "DAI" framework, which will helps user to conver ether into DAI and exchange at any point of time. Since 1DAI = 1$