PomoTom is a time based productivity application developed with full CRUD capabilities using the MERN stack. It is designed to help the user manage tasks by breaking work blocks into smaller sessions broken up by short breaks. The theory is based on the 80:20 model of the Pomodoro Technique.
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to accomplish more in less time by preventing decision fatigue and increasing concentration. Our goal is to customize the classic Pomodoro techniqe by making it more useful by adding user authentication, customized to-do list, tips and tricks, and more.
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Node.Js
- MongoDB
- React.js
- Express.js
- RESTful Routes
- Material UI
- Material Icons
- LucidChart
- Figma
- Users can run full C.R.U.D. operation within a to-do list.
- Timer functionality in increments of 25, 15, and 5 minute work sessions.
- Link to Pitch Deck: Pitch Presentation
Design elements implemented using React.js, Material UI and CSS3.
Link to Mockup Wireframe: Wireframe
Link to High Fidelity Wireframe: High Fedelity Mockup
- Link to Trello: Trello Board
- User Authentication
- Automatic flow between focus, short break and long break sessions.
- Link to-do list to each work block.
- Add success quotes at the end of each completed work block.
- Deployment: The PomoTom App
You can view the repositories at:
- Frontend: Github.com/Frontend
- Backend: Github.com/Backend
Classmates turned friends brought together through GA's Software Engineering Immersive have developed their first web application together -- PomoTom.
- Jessie Zollinger: Front End Lead/ Design
- Chyanne Robbins: Backend Lead / Branch Manager
- Kris Mally: Product Manager / Planning Fiend
- Blu Funk: Logo Designer