#Release Notes
##Jnario 0.6.1
- Fix: problems when resolving suites in maven builds
- Fix: invalid xtend dependency in org.jnario.maven.standalone
- Fix:
should not
returning the wrong value in Feature step references
##Jnario 0.6.0
- Compatible with Xtend 2.4.3
- Fix: encoding problems in generated reports
- Fix: CompilerMain & ReportGeneratorMain return error code if compilation fails.
- Fix: remove invalid validation error when two root specs both reference java types.
##Jnario 0.5.1
- Fix unresolved features in suites when building with maven.
- Maven report generator has now an explicit parameter sourceDirectory.
- Fix invalid Jnario dependency in maven archetype.
##Jnario 0.5.0
Compatible to Xtend 2.4.2.
Greatly reduced compile times
Remove dependencies to JUnit und Hamcrest from Jnario Plugins, which could lead to problems when compiling Jnario specs in some Eclipse environments.
Fixed compile error when referencing steps that used static methods with multiple arguments.
Fixed debug support when using maven.
Fixed sporadic invalid validation errors when referencing steps.
Static members can now be accessed via '.' instead of '::':
// both are valid findElement(By.name("btnG")).click() findElement(By::name("btnG")).click()
Define should matchers using lambdas
fact "Example"{ personOfAgeFour should be underAge personOfAgeFour should be olderThan(personOfAgeFive) /* Fails with: java.lang.AssertionError: Expected personOfAgeFour should be olderThan(personOfAgeFive) but personOfAgeFour is <A(4)> personOfAgeFive is <B(5)> */ } def olderThan(Person p){ [Person other | other.age > p.age] } def underAge() { [Person p | p.age < 18] }
##Jnario 0.4.3
- Fixed NPE when opening Jnario preferences
##Jnario 0.4.2
- Improved error messages for failed asssertions (closures will be filtered)
- Improved code completion for feature steps
##Jnario 0.4.1
- fixed organize imports for features definitions in combination with StepArguments
- fixed occasional "duplicate local variable args" validation error in feature definitions
- fixed create method quick fix for xtend files
##Jnario 0.4.0
Runs with Xtend 2.4.0
Improved type inference and faster build times
Access extension fields from in nested example groups:
describe "Extension in nested example groups" { extension Shouter = new Shouter describe "nested example group"{ fact "Hello".shout => "HELLO" } }
Access extension fields in Background scenarios:
Feature: Extension fields in Backgrounds Background: extension Shouter = new Shouter Given a background with extension "Hello".shout => "HELLO" Scenario: Using the background extension Then we can use the extension "Hello".shout => "HELLO"
Generate HTML reports which includes a spec's outcome including possible failures.
Define super classes in features and specs using the @Extends annotation:
@Extends(typeof(MySuperClass)) describe "defining super classes"{ ... }
New wait helper:
fact "Wait for something"{ // define wait condition using lambdas waitUntil[1 > 0] // configuration options waitUntil[ message = "Custom error message" duration = 100 pollingInterval = 10 1 > 0 ] }
Validation error for duplicate step implementations in features.
New maven archetype for creating a basic Jnario project:
mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jnario \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=jnario-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=0.4.0 \ -DgroupId=org.example \ -DartifactId=myproject
Better maven support in Eclipse via M2E.
Oldie but goldie: You can define your own should matchers by defining a method with the prefix should_XXXX in the current scope. The method needs to return a boolean value. For example, when we define a method should_eat:
fact "Define your own matchers"{ "Monkey" should eat "Banana" "Monkey" should eat "Rocks" throws AssertionError }
...then we can use "eat" in our should expressions:
def should_eat(String animal, String food){ animal == "Monkey" && food == "Banana" }