jfa is an R package that provides statistical methods for auditing. The package includes functions for planning, performing, and evaluating audit samples compliant with international auditing standards, as well as functions for auditing data, such as testing the distribution of leading digits against Benford's law, and functions for auditing algorithms with respect to fairness. In addition to offering classical (frequentist) methods, jfa also provides a straightforward implementation of their Bayesian counterparts.
The functionality of the jfa package and its intended workflow are implemented with a graphical user interface in the Audit module of JASP, a free and open-source software program for statistical analyses.
- Package website (online documentation, vignettes)
- Textbook (detailed information, code examples)
- Ask a question (discussion forum)
- Open an issue (bug reports, feature requests)
The most recent jfa release can be installed from CRAN via:
To install the development version from GitHub, first make sure that you can install the rstan package and C++ toolchain by following these instructions. Once rstan is successfully installed, you can install jfa from GitHub using the remotes package by executing the following command in R:
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("koenderks/jfa", INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch")