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Icinga2 notification integration with Zulip


Native, easy to use Icinga2 NotificationCommand to send Host and Service notifications to pre-configured Zulip stream - with only a few external dependencies: python, pip, pip install zulip

Also available on Icinga2 exchange portal

What will I get?

  • Awesome Zulip notifications:

  • Mobile Icinga monitoring alerts as well:

  • Notifications inside Zulip about your Host and Service state changes
  • In case of failure get notified with the nicely-formatted output of the failing check
  • Easy integration with Icinga2
  • Debian ready-to-use package to reduce maintenance and automated installation effort
  • Uses Lambdas


Installation using Debian package

We use reprepro to distribute our package from github. You would need to install apt-transport-https that supports adding an https based repository to the debian repo list.

Here are the steps to perform (be sure to use sudo if you are not root):

apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
apt-key adv --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 0155C4D10DF6BCD9999926ED1EF8A2E31219144C
add-apt-repository "deb general main"
apt-get update

You are now ready to install the plugin with

apt-get install icinga2-zulip-notifications

This will create the plugin files in the correct icinga2 conf directory.

Installation using git

  1. clone the repository under your Icinga2 /etc/icinga2/conf.d directory

git clone /etc/icinga2/conf.d/

  1. Use the zulip-notifications-user-configuration.conf.template file as reference to configure your Icinga2 Base URL to create your own zulip-notifications-user-configuration.conf

cp /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zulip-notifications-user-configuration.conf.template /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zulip-notifications-user-configuration.conf

  1. Do the same for the zuliprc.example file to configure your Zulip Site URL and Bot credentials

cp /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zuliprc.example /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zuliprc

  1. Fix permissions
   chown -R root:nagios /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications
   chmod 0750 /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications
   chmod 0640 /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/*


Icinga2 features

In order for the zulip-notifications to work you need at least the following icinga2 features enabled

checker command notification

In order to see the list of currently enabled features execute the following command

icinga2 feature list

In order to enable a feature use

icinga2 feature enable FEATURE_NAME

Notification configuration

  1. Configure your Icinga2 web URL in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zulip-notifications-user-configuration.conf
template Notification "zulip-notifications-user-configuration" {
    import "zulip-notifications-default-configuration"

    vars.zulip_notifications_icinga2_base_url = "<YOUR ICINGA2 BASE URL>, e.g."
  1. Configure Zulip Site URL and Bot credentials in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zuliprc
site=<YOUR ZULIP SITE URL>, e.g.

Important: The values must not be enclosed by quotes!

  1. In order to enable the zulip-notifications for Services add vars.zulip_notifications = "enabled" to your Service template, e.g. in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/templates.conf
 template Service "generic-service" {
   max_check_attempts = 5
   check_interval = 1m
   retry_interval = 30s

   vars.zulip_notifications = "enabled"

In order to enable the zulip-notifications for Hosts add vars.zulip_notifications = "enabled" to your Host template, e.g. in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/templates.conf

 template Host "generic-host" {
   max_check_attempts = 5
   check_interval = 1m
   retry_interval = 30s

   vars.zulip_notifications = "enabled"

Make sure to restart icinga after the changes

systemctl restart icinga2

  1. Further customizations [optional]

You can customize the following parameters of zulip-notifications :

  • zulip_notifications_stream [Default: monitoring_alerts]

In order to do so, place the desired parameter into zulip-notifications-user-configuration.conf file.


Objects as well as templates themselves can import an arbitrary number of other templates. Attributes inherited from a template can be overridden in the object if necessary.

The zulip-notifications-user-configuration section applies to both Host and Service, whereas the zulip-notifications-user-configuration-hosts and zulip-notifications-user-configuration-services sections apply to Host and Service respectively

Example channel name configuration for Service notifications

template Notification "zulip-notifications-user-configuration" {
    import "zulip-notifications-default-configuration"

    vars.zulip_notifications_icinga2_base_url = "<YOUR ICINGA2 BASE URL>, e.g."

template Notification "zulip-notifications-user-configuration-hosts" {
    import "zulip-notifications-default-configuration-hosts"

    interval = 1m

template Notification "zulip-notifications-user-configuration-services" {
    import "zulip-notifications-default-configuration-services"

    interval = 3m

    vars.zulip_notifications_stream = "monitoring_alerts_for_service"

If you, for some reason, want to disable the zulip-notifications from icinga2 change the following parameter inside the corresponding Host or Service configuration object/template:

vars.zulip_notifications == "disabled"

Besides configuring the zulip-notifications parameters you can also configure other Icinga2 specific configuration parameters of the Host and Service, e.g.:

  • types
  • user_groups
  • interval
  • period

How it works

zulip-notifications uses the icinga2 native [NotificationCommand] ( to collect the required data and send a message to configured zulip stream using zulip

The implementation can be found in zulip-notifications-command.conf and it uses Lambdas!


Since the official docker image of icinga2 seems not to be maintained, we've been using jordan's icinga2 image to test the notifications manually.

Usual procedure for us to test the plugin is to

  • configure a test/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zuliprc file according to documentation above
  • run test/
 cp test/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zuliprc.example test/conf.d/zulip-notifications/zuliprc

after that navigate to http://localhost:8081/icingaweb2 and try out some notifications.

We understand that this is far from automated testing, and we will be happy to any contributions that would improve the procedure.


The zulip-notifications command provides detailed debug logs. In order to see them, make sure the debuglog feature of icinga2 is enabled.

icinga2 feature enable debuglog

After that you should see the logs in /var/log/icinga2/debug.log file. All the zulip-notifications specific logs are pre-pended with "debug/zulip-notifications"

Use the following grep for troubleshooting:

grep "warning/PluginNotificationTask\|zulip-notifications" /var/log/icinga2/debug.log

tail -f /var/log/icinga2/debug.log | grep "warning/PluginNotificationTask\|zulip-notifications"


Useful links