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This tutorial will walk you through the steps of setting up a basic iOS client.


In this tutorial, you will be utilizing the Knok SDK for iOS devices, to quickly and easily build an application with real time interactive video appointments.


  • Knok Client Account
  • Xcode

Step 1: Creating a new project Step 2: Adding Knok iOS SDK Step 3: Setting up authentication Step 4: Requesting permissions Step 5: Connecting to the session Step 6: Adjusting the sample app UI Step 7: Publishing a stream to the session Step 8: Subscribing to other client streams Step 9: Running the app

Step 1: Creating a new project

  1. Open Xcode and select New Project from the File menu.
  2. Select iOS and App.
  3. Enter a name for your app.

Step 2: Adding Knok iOS SDK

  1. Add a file named Podfile in the same directory as your .xcodeproj file:
platform :ios, '10.0'

target "yourappname" do
	pod 'knokSDK'
  1. Run pod install from your command line in the same directory as your Podfile (you need cocoapods installed on your machine -
  2. This will create a new file with .xcodeworkspace extension. Close the .xcodeproj if you have it opened and open the .xcodeworkspace one.

Step 3: Setting up authentication

In order to connect to a Video Session, the client will need access to some authentication credentials.

In the ViewController class, add static variables to store the Knok API key, session id and token:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

private let KNOK_API_KEY = ""
private let sessionId = ""
private let sessionToken = ""

Step 4: Requesting permissions

Because our app uses audio and video from the user's device, we’ll need to add two keys to our app's Info.plist file:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription

Insert a description for each key (ex: "This feature is required to use video calls.").

Step 5: Connecting to the session

Next, we will connect to the Knok video session. You must do this before you can publish your audio-video stream to the session or view other participants streams.

  1. Import the sdk at the top of the file:
import knokSDK
  1. Add a knok property to the ViewControler class (right after the last lines you added in Step 3):
private let knok: Knok!
  1. Add a viewDidAppear method and setup knok instance:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
  knok = Knok(with: KNOK_API_KEY, sessionId: sessionId, sessionToken: sessionToken)
  knok.setup(listener: self)

The constructor takes three parameters:

  • The Knok API key
  • The session ID
  • The session token

The knok.setup(listener: self) method sets the object that will implement the SetupListener protocol. This interface includes callback methods that are called in response to setup-related events after the sdk requests permissions to access camera and microphone.

  1. Change the ViewControler class declaration to have it implement the SetupListener protocol:
class ViewController: UIViewController, SetupListener {
  1. Implement the onSetupSuccess and onSetupError delegate methods:
func onSetupSuccess() {

func onSetupError(message: String) {
  let alert = UIAlertController(title: NSLocalizedString("Error", comment: ""), message: message, preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert)
  alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("Ok", comment: "Ok"), style: .cancel))
  present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
  1. We can now setup the session and start the video appointment. Modify the onSetupSuccess() method:
func onSetupSuccess() {
  knok.setSessionListener(videoSessionListener: self)

The knok.startVideoAppointment() method connects the client application to the OpenTok session. You must connect before sending or receiving audio-video streams in the session (or before interacting with the session in any way).

  1. Change the ViewControler class declaration to have it implement the SessionListener protocol:
class ViewController: UIViewController, SetupListener, SessionListener {
  1. Implement the delegate methods of the SessionListener protocol. Add the following code to the end of the ViewController class (before the closing bracket of the class):
func onConnected(videoPublisher: VideoPublisher) {

func onStreamReceived(videoSubscriber: VideoSubscriber) {

func onStreamDropped() {
  • When the client connects to the Knok video session, the implementation of the onConnected() method is called.
  • When another client publishes a stream to the Knok video session, the implementation of the onStreamReceived() method is called.
  • When another client stops publishing a stream to the Knok video session, the implementation of the onStreamDropped() method is called.

Step 6: Adjusting the sample app UI

  1. Declare 2 view properties at the top of the class:
class ViewController: UIViewController, SetupListener, SessionListener {
  @IBOutlet weak var publisherView : UIView!
  @IBOutlet weak var subscriberView : UIView!
  1. Open Main.storyboard file and add two UIView objects to the ViewController parent view. Make one occupy the entire screen and another one as a smaller rectangle above the latter. Open Xcode right panel inspector and assign the publisherView and subscriberView outlets to the views you've just created.

Step 7: Publishing a stream to the session

When the app connects to the Knok video session, we want it to publish an audio-video stream to the session, using the camera and microphone:

  1. Add a publisher property to the ViewController class (after the declaration of the knok property):
private var publisher: VideoPublisher!
  1. Modify the implementation of the onConnected() method to include code to publish a stream to the session:
func onConnected(videoPublisher: VideoPublisher) {
  publisher = videoPublisher
  publisher.container!.view!.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: publisherView.frame.width, height: publisherView.frame.height)
  knok.publish(videoPublisher: publisher)

The code passes the VideoPublisher object in as a parameter of the knok.publish() method. This method publishes an audio-video stream to the session, using the camera and microphone of the iOS device. (Note that in an iOS simulator, the Knok iOS SDK uses a test video when publishing a stream).

The Publisher object has a container property, which in its turn contains a UIView object. This view displays the video captured from the device’s camera. The code adds this view as a subview of the publisherView object.

Step 8: Subscribing to other client streams

We want clients to be able to subscribe to (or view) other clients’ streams in the session:

  1. Add a subscriber property to the ViewController class (after the declaration of the publisher property):
private var subscriber: VideoSubscriber!

The VideoSubscriber class defines an object that a client uses to subscribe to (view) a stream published by another client.

  1. Modify the implementation of the onStreamReceived() method (one of the SessionListener callbacks) to include code to subscribe to other clients’ streams of the session:
func onStreamReceived(videoSubscriber: VideoSubscriber) {
  subscriber = videoSubscriber
  knok.subscribe(videoSubscriber: subscriber!)
  subscriber.container!.view!.frame = subscriberView.frame

The knok.subscribe() method subscribes to the stream that was just received. subscriberView.addSubview(subscriber.container!.view!) places the new subscribed stream's view on the screen.

  1. Modify the implementation of the onStreamDropped() method (another one of the SessionListener callbacks):
func onStreamDropped() {
  if (subscriber != nil) {
    subscriber = nil

subscriberView?.removeFromSuperview() removes a subscriber's view once the stream has dropped.

Step 9: Running the app

Now that your code is complete, you can run the app in the Xcode simulator. This will create a simulated publisher video — since the simulator cannot access your webcam, the publisher video will display an animated graphic instead of your camera feed.

To add a second publisher (which will display as a subscriber in your emulator), run the app a second time in a connected iOS device.