A dice game using pure JavaScript
- Two players are needed
- A player rolls a dice in each turn as many times as he/she whishes. Each result gets added to his/her current rolled score
- If the player rolls a 1, all his/her current rolled scores will get lost and no results will be added to the main score. After that, it's the next player's turn
- The player can select to 'Hold', which means that his/her current rolled score gets added to his/her main score. After that, it's the next player's turn
- Any player who will reach 100 points and above on his/her main score wins the game!
- If the player rolls the two dices and one of them is equal to 1, all his/her current rolled scores will get lost and no results will be added to the main score. After that, it's the next player's turn
- The player looses his/her rolled scores if one of your two dices (or both of them) rolled two 6 in a row. Then it's the next player's turn
- The players can input a final score (optional) in a text field if they want a score of their own and not the default score, 100