A type used as a tag to distinguish the Shelley era.
-- | A type used as a tag to distinguish the Byron era.
data ByronEra
-- | A type used as a tag to distinguish the Shelley era.
data ShelleyEra
-- | A type used as a tag to distinguish the Allegra era.
data AllegraEra
-- | A type used as a tag to distinguish the Mary era.
data MaryEra
-- | A type used as a tag to distinguish the Alonzo era.
data AlonzoEra
-- | A type used as a tag to distinguish the Babbage era.
data BabbageEra
instance HasTypeProxy ByronEra where
data AsType ByronEra = AsByronEra
proxyToAsType _ = AsByronEra
instance HasTypeProxy ShelleyEra where
data AsType ShelleyEra = AsShelleyEra
proxyToAsType _ = AsShelleyEra
instance HasTypeProxy AllegraEra where
data AsType AllegraEra = AsAllegraEra
proxyToAsType _ = AsAllegraEra
instance HasTypeProxy MaryEra where
data AsType MaryEra = AsMaryEra
proxyToAsType _ = AsMaryEra
instance HasTypeProxy AlonzoEra where
data AsType AlonzoEra = AsAlonzoEra
proxyToAsType _ = AsAlonzoEra
instance HasTypeProxy BabbageEra where
data AsType BabbageEra = AsBabbageEra
proxyToAsType _ = AsBabbageEra