Sometimes it is necessary to handle all languages without making static type distinctions between languages. For example, when reading external input, or before the era context is known
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Scripts in any language
-- | Sometimes it is necessary to handle all languages without making static
-- type distinctions between languages. For example, when reading external
-- input, or before the era context is known.
-- Use 'toScriptInEra' to convert to a script in the context of an era.
data ScriptInAnyLang where
ScriptInAnyLang :: ScriptLanguage lang
-> Script lang
-> ScriptInAnyLang
deriving instance Show ScriptInAnyLang
-- The GADT in the ScriptInAnyLang constructor requires a custom Eq instance
instance Eq ScriptInAnyLang where
(==) (ScriptInAnyLang lang script)
(ScriptInAnyLang lang' script') =
case testEquality lang lang' of
Nothing -> False
Just Refl -> script == script'
instance ToJSON ScriptInAnyLang where
toJSON (ScriptInAnyLang l s) =
object [ "scriptLanguage" .= show l
, "script" .= obtainScriptLangConstraint l
(serialiseToTextEnvelope Nothing s)
:: ScriptLanguage lang
-> (IsScriptLanguage lang => a)
-> a
obtainScriptLangConstraint (SimpleScriptLanguage SimpleScriptV1) f = f
obtainScriptLangConstraint (SimpleScriptLanguage SimpleScriptV2) f = f
obtainScriptLangConstraint (PlutusScriptLanguage PlutusScriptV1) f = f
obtainScriptLangConstraint (PlutusScriptLanguage PlutusScriptV2) f = f
instance FromJSON ScriptInAnyLang where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "ScriptInAnyLang" $ \o -> do
textEnvelopeScript <- o .: "script"
case textEnvelopeToScript textEnvelopeScript of
Left textEnvErr -> fail $ displayError textEnvErr
Right (ScriptInAnyLang l s) -> pure $ ScriptInAnyLang l s
-- | Convert a script in a specific statically-known language to a
-- 'ScriptInAnyLang'.
-- No inverse to this is provided, just do case analysis on the 'ScriptLanguage'
-- field within the 'ScriptInAnyLang' constructor.
toScriptInAnyLang :: Script lang -> ScriptInAnyLang
toScriptInAnyLang s@(SimpleScript v _) =
ScriptInAnyLang (SimpleScriptLanguage v) s
toScriptInAnyLang s@(PlutusScript v _) =
ScriptInAnyLang (PlutusScriptLanguage v) s
instance HasTypeProxy ScriptInAnyLang where
data AsType ScriptInAnyLang = AsScriptInAnyLang
proxyToAsType _ = AsScriptInAnyLang