- Make request to imdb to get information on Nigerian movies;
- 50 movies each are hosted in one page of imdb search;
- next link would be gotten from page as usual.
- url link to the movie;
- title of movie;
- link to movie poster;
- link to movie trailer;
- ratings of the movie out of 10;
- number of individuals that reviewed movie (num_ratings);
- names of stars in movie;
- names of directors of movie;
- names of writers of movie;
- movie genre;
- date movie was released (release_date);
- language used in movie;
- location movie was filmed (film_location);
- movie production company;
- duration of movie;
- description of movie (about);
- page number of movie.
Many items are gotten as many-in-one rather than one-in-one, so naturally
is to remove all nextline characters from each matching result then join them all with a semicolon. -
: Filter out movies that are actually episodes of a show and make null. -
: Take first non-null result. -
: Convert numbers to full & actual values.10K → 10000
3.2M → 3200000
: Make null and filter out if it is either Music, Talk-Show, Documentary or Short. -
: Fill a random month if movie has none and a constant day of 1, so date can be parsed correctly.1995 → September 1, 1995
March 2012 → March 1, 2012
: Convert running time written separately and in text to equivalent in minutes.1h 30m → 90
2h → 120
- Data is loaded to a PostgresDB with data types, constraints & rules for INSERT specified.