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File metadata and controls

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Below is a breakdown of the Response component which is an extended Writable stream matching official Node.js network specification.

  • See > [ExpressJS] for more information on additional compatibility methods and properties.
  • See > [Stream.Writable] for more information on additional native methods and properties.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
app HyperExpress.Server HyperExpress Server instance this Response originated from.
raw uWS.Response Underlying uWebsockets.js response object.
sse undefined, SSEventStream Returns a "Server-Sent Events" connection object for SSE functionality.
initiated Boolean Signifies whether the response has been initiated and the status code/headers have been sent.
aborted Boolean Signifies whether the request has been aborted/completed.
completed Boolean Alias of aborted property.
write_offset Number Returns the current response body content write offset in bytes.
  • See > [SSEventStream] for more information on the Response.sse property for working with Server-Sent Events.

Response Methods

  • atomic(Function: callback): Alias of uWebsockets's cork(callback) method.
    • Usage: Wrapping multiple response method calls inside this method can improve performance.
  • status(Number: code, String?: message): Sets the HTTP response status code and message for current request.
  • type(String: mime_type): Writes correct protocol content-type header for specified mime type.
    • Example: response.type('json') writes application/json
    • Supported: Mime Types
  • header(String: name, String|Array<String>: value, Boolean?: overwrite): Writes one or multiple response headers.
    • Note! this method will overwrite any previous values for a header by default.
  • cookie(String: name, String?: value, Number?: expiry, Object?: options, Boolean: sign_cookie): Writes a cookie header to set cookie on response.
    • expiry specifies the cookie lifetime duration in milliseconds.
    • sign_cookie is true by default.
    • options:
      • domain[String]: Cookie Domain
      • path[String]: Cookie Path
      • maxAge[Number]: Max Cookie Age (In Seconds)
      • secure[Boolean]: Adds Secure Flag
      • httpOnly[Boolean]: Adds httpOnly Flag
      • sameSite[Boolean, 'none', 'lax', 'strict']: Cookie Same-Site Preference
      • secret:[String]: Cryptographically signs cookie value
    • Note cookie values are not URL encoded.
    • Note You may pass null as the value parameter to delete a cookie.
  • upgrade(Object?: context): Upgrades incoming request to a WebSocket or Server-Sent Events connection.
    • Note context is optional and can be used to store data for the future.
    • Note this method can only be used inside an upgrade route handler.
  • redirect(String: url): Writes 302 header to redirect incoming request to specified url.
  • write(String|Buffer|ArrayBuffer: chunk, String?: encoding, Function?: callback): Writes specified chunk using chunked transfer. Use this method to stream large amounts of data.
    • Returns a Boolean in which false signifies chunk was not fully sent due to built up backpressure.
    • Note the send() must still be called in the end after writing all chunks to end the chunked transfer.
    • Note this method mimics Writable.write() method thus you may use direct piping by piping from a Readable stream.
  • drain(Function: handler): Binds a one-time handler which is called once the built up backpressure from a failed write() call has been drained.
    • Handle Example: (Number: offset) => boolean
    • Proper Usage:
      • You MUST retry the failed chunk write() call with the same sliced chunk from before proceeding to writing future chunks.
      • You should slice the chunk using chunk.slice(offset - Response.write_offset) to retry the chunk with the write() call.
      • This handler may be called multiple times with different offset values until the chunk is fully written.
    • Note this handler must be synchronous only.
  • stream(ReadableStream: readable, Number?: total_size): Pipes the provided readable stream as body and sends response.
    • This method can be useful for serving large amounts of data through Node.js streaming functionalities.
    • Note the total_size is an optional number in bytes which can be specified if you need a content-length header on the receiver side.
    • Note you must do your own error handling on the readable stream to prevent triggering the global error handler.
  • send(String|Buffer|ArrayBuffer?: body): Writes specified body and sends response.
    • Returns a Boolean in which false signifies body was not fully sent due to built up backpressure.
  • json(Object: body): Alias of send(). Sets mime type to json and sends response.
  • jsonp(Object: body, String?: name): Alias of send(). Sets mime type to js and sends response.
    • Note! This method uses callback query parameter as callback name by default if name parameter is not specified.
  • html(String: body): Alias of send(). Sets mime type to html and sends response.
  • attachment(String: path): Writes appropriate Content-Disposition and Content-Type headers for file specified at path.
    • Note! this method only writes the appropriate headers.
  • download(String: path, String: filename): Alias of send(). Sets appropriate attachment headers and mime type if one has not been set yet and sends file content at specified path as response body for browser to download.
  • throw(Error: error): Calls the global catch-all error handler (If one is assigned) with the provided error.
  • See ExpressJS documentation for more properties/methods that are also implemented for compatibility.

Response Events

The Response component extends an EventEmitter/Writable stream meaning your application can listen for the following lifecycle events.

  • [abort]: This event will get emitted when the request was aborted unexpectedly by the client or the underlying connection was closed.
  • [prepare]: This event will get emitted when the response is internally ready to be sent. Use this to perform any last minute modifications to the response.
  • [finish]: This event will get emitted when the response has been sent by HyperExpress. This does not mean the client has received anything yet.
  • [close]: This event will get emitted when the underlying connection has closed.
  • Note! you should utilize the [close] event to detect the absolute end of a request as it signifies connection closure.
  • See the official > [stream.Writable] Node.js documentation for more information.