The pycom pytrac module comes with a very basic driver for the GPS chip.
The pytrac uses the L76-L GNSS chip for GPS data. This poller leverages the manufacturer's detailed documentation to enable extended features for polling.
The poller will initialize the chip and track state and output a JSON log record every 10 seconds with the latest state.
If a SD card is found the poller will also log the json records to files named /sd/gps-log-YYYYMMDDHH.json (one per hour) with one JSON object per line (newline terminated).
The following extended modes are enabled by this poller:
- Set report intervals to include ZDA
- Set number of decimal points to max
- TXT messages
- Velocity reporting
- Return Link messages
- EASY function
- Searching for SBAS satellites
"battery": 4.822186,
"battery_status": "OK",
"count": 61426,
"mem_free": 2542576,
"state": {
"$GLGSV-1": "$GLGSV,1,1,..............................................*6A",
"$GLGSV-2": "$GLGSV,2,2,.............*56",
"$GNGLL-A": "$GNGLL,9999.9999,N,99999.9999,W,100057.000,A,A*5C",
"$GNGSA": "$GNGSA,A,2.............................*1F",
"$GNRMC": "$GNRMC,100057.000,A,9999.9999,N,99999.9999,W,9.45,137.90,130318,,,A*67",
"$GNZDA": "$GNZDA,100059.000,13,03,2018,,*4F",
"$GPGGA": "$GPGGA,100059.000,,,,,0,0,,,M,,M,,*45",
"$GPGLL-V": "$GPGLL,,,,,100059.000,V,N*77",
"$GPGSA": "$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E",
"$GPGSV-1": "$GPGSV,3,1,....................................................*7E",
"$GPGSV-2": "$GPGSV,3,2,..............................................*7A",
"$GPGSV-3": "$GPGSV,3,3,.............*49",
"$GPRMC": "$GPRMC,100059.000,V,...............,130318,,,N*41",
"$GPVTG": "$GPVTG,139.09,T,,M,9.75,N,18.07,K,N*05",
"$PMTK001": "$PMTK001,313,3*31",
"$PMTK514": "$PMTK514,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0*33",
"$PQPREC": "$PQPREC,W,6,6,3,1*7C",
"$PQRLM": "$PQRLM,W,1,1*29",
"$PQTXT": "$PQTXT,W,1,1*22",
"$PQVEL": "$PQVEL,-3.844606,3.321756,-0.130539*6D",
"count_large_buf": 8331,
"last_large_buf": 61401,
"last_read_bytes": 39,
"max_buf_len": 254,
"max_pkt_len": 72
"time": "2018-03-13 10:01:00 UTC"
If you want to connect via telnet or ftp to the module you should copy to and set your SSID and Wifi password.