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k3b edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 8 revisions

You can use "A Photo Manager" as a android gallery app that supports editing and finding photos via properties (aka metadata, exif, xmp, iptc).

This Page shows technical details of supported photo properties (meta data)

See also:

  • Path : Absolute path with file name to jpg file
  • DateTimeTaken : When the photo was taken (in local time or utc)
  • Latitude: in degrees north. (-90 .. +90)
  • Longitude: in degrees east. (-180 .. + 180)
  • Tags: aka Keywords/Categories/VirtualAlbum (Since 0.6.0)
  • Title: Short text used as caption
  • Description: Longer text, may have more than one line
  • Rating: 5=best .. 1=worst or 0/null unknown

Note: A complete, up to date list can be found in

Note: In Image-View menu command details you can see the image properties (Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC)

Note: Use Edit photo properties (exif) to edit the properties of one or more photos.

There are different standards to store properties for jpg images

  • jpg exif segment
    • Android can read and write the EXIF standard elements.
    • Since version 0.6.1 APhotoManager can read and write non-standard EXIF elements for tags, title, description, rating
  • jpg iptc segment
    • not nativly supported by android.
    • APhotoManager read support since version 0.6.1
    • Currently there is no android library to write properties in iptc format inside jpg files
  • xmp format
    • not nativly supported by android.
    • may be embedded in jpg files
      • APhotoManager can read this since version 0.6.1
      • Currently there is no android library to write properties in xmp format inside jpg files
    • may be stored in seperate external sidecar files
      • APhotoManager can read and write this since version 0.6.0
  • csv format compatible with ExifTool is used for mass update of several images (importing/exporting)

Since there are different standard/non-standard fields where photo properties can be stored the APhotoManager fields are mapped to EXIF, iptc and/or xmp fields.

  • Read Precedence: EXIF - XMP-file - EXIF(extended) - XMP-jpg - iptc
    • The first non empty value is used. If EXIF.DateTimeTaken(1) is empty the value from XMP-file.DateTimeTaken(2) is used.
    • The number in brackets is the read precedence
  • Rule: Fields that APhotoManager can write over fields that it can read but not write
  • Rule: Standard fields over non-standard fields
  • Note: The complete up to date mapping can be found in apmJpg2xmp.args

Generated on Wed Apr 03 12:11:53 CEST 2019 with fotolib2/src/tests/

property #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
FilePath .SourceFile
DateTimeTaken XMP-exif.DateTimeOriginal photoshop.DateCreated XMP-xmp.CreateDate
Latitude XMP-exif.GPSLatitude
Longitude XMP-exif.GPSLongitude
Title XMP-dc.title
Description XMP-dc.description
Tags XMP-dc.subject
Visibility apm.Visibility
Rating XMP-xmp.Rating

property #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
DateTimeTaken ExifSubIFD.DATETIME_ORIGINAL ExternalXmp.DateTimeTaken InternalXmp.DateTimeTaken
Latitude ExifGps.Latitude ExternalXmp.Latitude InternalXmp.Latitude
Longitude ExifGps.Longitude ExternalXmp.Longitude InternalXmp.Longitude
Title ExternalXmp.Title Exif.XPTITLE IptcDirectory.TAG_HEADLINE InternalXmp.Title
Description Exif.IMAGE_DESCRIPTION ExternalXmp.Description Exif.XPCOMMENT Exif.USER_COMMENT JpegComment.COMMENT InternalXmp.Description Iptc.CAPTION
Tags ExternalXmp.Tags Exif.XPKEYWORDS Iptc.KEYWORDS InternalXmp.Tags
Visibility Exif.XPKEYWORDS(PRIVATE) ExternalXmp.apm.Visibility InternalXmp.apm.Visibility
Rating ExternalXmp.Rating Exif.RATING InternalXmp.Rating

property #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
DateTimeTaken Exif.DATETIME_ORIGINAL Exif.DATETIME xmp.DateTimeTaken
Latitude Exif.Latitude xmp.Latitude
Longitude Exif.Longitude xmp.Longitude
Title xmp.Title Exif.XPTITLE
Tags xmp.Tags Exif.XPKEYWORDS
Visibility Exif.XPKEYWORDS(PRIVATE)='PUBLIC' xmp.apm.visibility Rating xmp.Rating Exif.XPRATING

property #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
DateTimeTaken XMP-xmp.CreateDate photoshop.DateCreated XMP-exif.DateTimeOriginal MicrosoftPhoto.DateAcquired Iptc4xmpCore.DateCreatedIptcXmp
Latitude XMP-exif.GPSLatitude
Longitude XMP-exif.GPSLongitude
Title XMP-dc.title
Description XMP-dc.description
Tags XMP-dc.subject MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordXMP MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordIPTC
Visibility apm.Visibility
Rating XMP-xmp.Rating
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