An implementation of generic collections in PHP using iterators. Brings type safety to your arrays without hacks or ugly code.
The primary way of using this library is to create your own collection
class which extends the GenericCollection
and sets its type in the
constructor like so:
use JTL\Generic\GenericCollection;
class MyItemCollection extends GenericCollection {
public function __construct()
You can now add new items to your collection in bulk, using
$collection[] = ...
or by using the static from
$collection = new MyItemCollection();
$item1 = new MyItem(1);
$item2 = new MyItem(2);
$item3 = new MyItem(3);
$itemList = [
$collection[] = $item1;
$collection->addItemList([$item2, $item3]);
$collection2 = MyItemCollection::from($item1, $item2, $item3);
$collection3 = MyItemCollection::from(...$itemList);
Alternative you can just use the generic ObjectCollection
without creating a new
collection class for every object type.
$collection = new ObjectCollection(MyItem::class);
$item1 = new MyItem(1);
$item2 = new MyItem(2);
$item3 = new MyItem(3);
$itemList = [
$collection[] = $item1;
$collection->addItemList([$item2, $item3]);
$collection2 = ObjectCollection::from($item1, $item2, $item3);
$collection3 = ObjectCollection::from(...$itemList);
Trying to add a new item that's not of the specified type will throw an InvalidArgumentException.
$collection = new ObjectCollection(MyItem::class);
$item1 = new MyItem(1);
$item2 = 'not MyItem';
$item3 = new MyItem(3);
$collection[] = $item1;
$collection[] = $item2; // <- Doesn't work. This will throw an exception + PHPStan will report the error
$collection->addItemList([$item2, $item3]); // <- This won't work either because $item2 is not a 'MyItem'
The default type checking function only checks if the item to be added is an instance of
the given type or, if you set the type to 'string', if it is a string.
If you desire more advanced type checking you can implement your own algorithm easily.
Your custom collection class simply needs to override the checkType
method and return
true if the type matches or false if it doesn't.
Here's an example of a collection that only accepts even numbers.
use JTL\Generic\GenericCollection;
class EvenCollection extends GenericCollection {
public function checkType($item): bool {
return $item % 2 === 0;
$e = new EvenCollection();
$e[] = 2;
$e[] = 4;
$e[] = 5; // <- Doesn't work. This will throw an exception
In addition to ensuring type safety the GenericCollection also implements a few
methods to make working with iterators more pleasant.
Note: Some of these methods mutate the state of the collection.
If this behavior is not desired you may wish to clone
the collection before
modifying it.
The following methods are currently implemented:
Method | Explanation |
each(Closure) | Performs a closure on each item in the collection |
map(Closure) | Replaces every element in the collection with the result of the closure |
filter(Closure) | Modifies the collection to leave only items in the collection for which the closure returns true |
clone() | Clones the collection |
chain(GenericCollection) | Appends another collection to the end of the current collection |
zip(GenericCollection) | Zips another collection with the current collection |
partition(Closure) | Creates two collections, one for which the closure returns true and one for which the closure returns false |
reduce(Closure) | Reduces the collection to a final value based on a closure |
all(Closure) | Returns true if the closure returns true for each element, otherwise false |
any(Closure) | Returns true if the closure returns true for at least one element, otherwise false |
find(Closure) | Returns the first element for which the closure returns true |
from(...$items) | Create a new collection from existing items |
Zipping joins two collections together so that each element of the new collection is a
tuple of one element from the first, or left, collection and one element from the second,
or right, collection.
To keep the code readable you access the elements of the tuple using getLeft()
and getRight()
$itemList1 = new ItemCollection();
$itemList2 = new ItemCollection();
$item11 = new Item('123');
$item12 = new Item('789');
$item21 = new Item('456');
$item22 = new Item('0');
$itemList1[] = $item11;
$itemList1[] = $item12;
$itemList2[] = $item21;
$itemList2[] = $item21;
$zip = $itemList1->zip($itemList2);
foreach ($zip as $tuple) {
echo $tuple->getLeft()->getContent() . $tuple->getRight()->getContent() . "\n";
// Output:
Important! You can zip two collections of different types!
A zipped collection can be unzipped into the two original collections using the unzip()
method on a zipped collection.
Building upon the previous example:
[$unzippedItemList1, $unzippedItemList2] = $zip->unzip();
At this point $itemList1
and $unzippedItemList1
will be identical. The same is true
for $itemList2
and $unzippedItemList2
The zipped collection stores the original collection types internally so unzipping is even possible if you zip two different collection types.
The code is released under the MIT License.